Console Commands

From Warfork
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Command Default Parameters Description
bot_dummy 0
bot_showcombat 0
bot_showlrgoal 0
bot_showpath 0
bot_showsrgoal 0


Command Default Parameters Description
cg_autoaction_demo 0 <0/1> Enables automatic demo recording of matches after warmup mode is finished.

The demo will be written to /demos/autorecord/ in your data folder with the time, date, map, and your in-game name in the filename.

cg_autoaction_screenshot 0 <0/1> Enables automatic screenshot of final standings on the scoreboard when the match is finished.

The screenshot will be written to /screenshots/ in your data folder with the time, date, map, and your in-game name in the filename.

cg_autoaction_spectator 0 <0/1> Use autoaction when spectating games.
cg_autoaction_stats 0 <0/1> If enabled, your statistics (accuracy, kills, deaths, k/d ratio, etc.) will be saved in a .txt file in your data folder when the match is finished.
cg_bloodTrail 10 <value> Changes the density of damage rings rendered when a player is hit.

0 = disabled

cg_bloodTrailAlpha 1.0 <0-1> Sets the transparency of damage rings rendered.

0 = 100% Transparent & 1 = 100% Solid

cg_cartoonEffects 7
cg_cartoonHitEffect 0 <0/1> If enabled, critical hit effects are displayed for high damage value attacks.
cg_chatBeep 1 <0/1> Enables the chat beep sound when someone sends a message.
cg_chatFilter 0 <0-2> Filters chat messages.

0 = Display all Messages, 1 = Filters global chat messages, 2 = Filters team chat messages

cg_chatFilterTV 2 <0-4> Filters Warfork TV chat messages.

0 = Display all Messages, 1 = Filters global chat messages, 2 = Filters team chat messages, 4 = Filter TV spectator chat messages

cg_clientHUD <HUD name> Changes your HUD.
cg_colorCorrection 1 <0/1> Enables color correction.
cg_crosshair 1 <0-13> Changes your crosshair style.

0 = No crosshair

Crosshairs examples.png

cg_crosshair_color 255 255 255 <R G B> Changes the color of your crosshair.
cg_crosshair_damage_color 255 0 0 <R G B> Changes the color of your crosshair when you hit an enemy.
cg_crosshair_font Warsow Crosshairs Changes the font of your crosshair.
cg_crosshair_size 24 <size> Changes the size of your crosshair.
cg_crosshair_strong 0 <0-13> Changes your crosshair style for strong ammo. 0 disables it.
cg_crosshair_strong_color 255 255 255 <R G B> Changes the color of your crosshair for strong ammo.
cg_crosshair_strong_size 24 <size> Changes the size of your crosshair for strong ammo.
cg_damage_blend 1 <0-1> This command no longer works and is a placeholder.

It use to enable a red flash when you got hit if cg_damage_indicator = 1.

cg_damage_indicator 1 <0-1> If enabled, a red damage indicator will appear in the direction(s) you were hit.
cg_damage_indicator_time 25 <value> Sets how long the red damage indicator will be visible.
cg_damageNumbers 1 <0/1> Enables Damage Numbers that are displayed when attacking a player.
cg_damageNumbersColor 8 <0-11> Changes the color of your Damage Numbers.

0 = White, 1 = Black, 2 = Red, 3 = Green, 4 = Blue, 5 = Yellow, 6 = Orange, 7 = Magenta, 8 = Cyan, 9 = Light Grey, 10 = Medium Grey, 11 = Dark Grey

cg_damageNumbersDistance 48 <1-200> The vertical distance above the player model that Damage Numbers are displayed.
cg_damageNumbersOffset 1 <1-5> The offset distance between the Damage Number and its shadow.
cg_damageNumbersSize 1 <1-4> Changes the size of your Damage Numbers.

1 = Tiny, 2 = Small, 3 = Medium, 4 = Large

cg_debugHUD 0
cg_debugPlayerModels 0
cg_debugWeaponModels 0
cg_decals 1 <0/1> If enabled, you will see projectile impact effects on walls.
cg_draw2D 1 <0/1> If enabled, you will see the HUD (scores, ammunition, clock, etc.)
cg_ebbeam_alpha 0.4 <0-1> Sets the transparency of the Electrobolt Beam. 0 = 100% Transparent & 1 = 100% Solid
cg_ebbeam_old 0 <0/1> If enabled, you will see the old (simplistic) Electrobolt beam.
cg_ebbeam_time 0.6 <value> Sets how long the Elecrobolt beam will be visible.
cg_ebbeam_width 64 <value> Sets the width of the Elecrobolt beam.
cg_explosionsDust 0 <0/1> If enabled, an explosion dust will appear around Grenade Launcher and Rocket Launcher projectiles upon impact.
cg_explosionsRing 0 <0/1> If enabled, an explosion ring will appear around Grenade Launcher and Rocket Launcher projectiles upon impact.
cg_flashWindowCount 4
cg_forceMyTeamAlpha 0 <0/1> If enabled, your HUD, teammates and enemies will appear as if you always were in the Alpha team.
cg_gamepad_accelMax 2 <value> Maximum acceleration of the gamepad.
cg_gamepad_accelSpeed 3 <value> Speed of gamepad's acceleration.
cg_gamepad_accelThres 0.9 <value> Threshold of gamepad's acceleration.
cg_gamepad_moveThres 0.239
cg_gamepad_pitchInvert 0 <0/1> If enabled, the gamepad will be inverted.
cg_gamepad_pitchSpeed 240
cg_gamepad_pitchThres 0.265
cg_gamepad_runThres 0.75
cg_gamepad_strafeRunThres 0.45
cg_gamepad_strafeThres 0.239
cg_gamepad_swapSticks 0
cg_gamepad_yawSpeed 260
cg_gamepad_yawThres 0.265
cg_gibs 1 <0/1> This command is a placeholder.

It use to define the total number of gibs that would be displayed when you fragged someone.

cg_gun 1 <0/1> Shows your weapon.
cg_gun_alpha 1 <0-1> Transparency of your weapon model.
cg_gun_fov 90 <1-160> Field-of-View of your weapon model.
cg_gunbob 1 <0/1> Enables bobbing of the weapon model.
cg_gunx 0 <value> Moves your weapon's model on the X axis.
cg_guny 0 <value> Moves your weapon's model on the Y axis.
cg_gunz 0 <value> Moves your weapon's model on the Z axis.
cg_handOffset 5 <value> The offset of your hand's position. 0 means middle.
cg_instabeam_alpha 0.4 <0-1> Transparency of the instabeam.
cg_instabeam_time 0.4 <value>
cg_instabeam_width 7 <value>
cg_laserBeamSubdivisions 10 <value> The higher the number the smoother the laser beam looks.
cg_movementStyle 0 <0/1> Old movement = 0 and New movement = 1
cg_noAutoHop 0 <0/1> If enabled, disables autohop by holding spacebar.
cg_outlineModels 1 <0/1> Outlines models.
cg_outlinePlayers 1 <0/1> Outlines players.
cg_outlineWorld 0 <0/1> Outlines every object in maps.
cg_particles 1 <0/1> Enables particles.
cg_pickup_flash 0
cg_placebo 0 <value> An easteregg for comedic purpose that does nothing. It will be removed shortly.
cg_playerTrailsColor 0.0 1.0 0.0
cg_playList sounds/music/match.m3u <path> Path to a music playlist.
cg_playListShuffle 1 <0/1> Plays songs randomly from the music playlist.
cg_predict 1 <0/1> Predicts players' movement on multiplayer servers for smoothness.
cg_predict_optimize 1 <0/1> Optimizes cg_predict's behavior.
cg_predictLaserBeam 1 <0/1>
cg_projectileAntilagOffset 1.0
cg_projectileFileTrail 90
cg_projectileFileTrailAlpha 0.45 <0-1>
cg_projectileTrail 60
cg_raceGhosts 0 <0/1> Enables ghosts while racing.
cg_raceGhostsAlpha 0.25 <0-1> Transparency of race ghosts.
cg_scoreboardFontFamily Droid Sans Mono Name of font used in scoreboard.
cg_scoreboardFontSize 12 <value> Size of scoreboard's font.
cg_scoreboardMonoFontFamily Droid Sand Mono
cg_scoreboardStats 1 <0-1> If enabled, Weapons Statistics will be shown on the Scoreboard.
cg_scoreboardTitleFontFamily Hemi Head Name of font used in the scoreboard's title.
cg_scoreboardTitleFontSize 24 <value> Size of the font used in scoreboard's title.
cg_scoreboardWidthScale 1.0 <value> Width scale of the scoreboard.
cg_shadows 1 <0-2> Enables shadows. Uses simple shadows if set to 1, shadowmaps if set to 2. 0 to disable.
cg_showAwards 1 <0/1> Shows awards upon certain events (On Fire! etc.).
cg_showBloodTrail 1 <0/1>
cg_showCaptureAreas 1 <0/1> A command that does nothing. It will be removed shortly.
cg_showChasers 1 <0/1> Displays chasers on the scoreboard (if there are any).
cg_showCrosshairDamage 1 <0/1> Changes the crosshair's color to the damage color if an enemy gets hit.
cg_showFPS 0 <0/1> Enables an FPS counter.
cg_showhelp 1 <0/1> Displays help text under the timer.
cg_showHUD 1 <0/1> Enables HUD.
cg_showItemTimers 3 <value> Displays when items will spawn on your HUD (only in spectator mode).
cg_showMiniMap 0 <0/1> Displays a minimap (if supported by gamemode).
cg_showMiss 0 <0/1> For debugging server events. If enabled, will dump prediction misses to console in x:y format. x = time y = distance error.

Best to use with con_drawnotify 1 for easier viewing.

cg_showObituaries 3 <value> Displays who fragged who using which weapon on your HUD.
cg_showPickup 1 <0/1> Displays when you pickup an item on your HUD.
cg_showPlayerNames 1 <0/1> Displays player names above player models.
cg_showPlayerNames_alpha 0.4 <0-1> Transparency of player names.
cg_showPlayerNames_barWidth 8 <value>
cg_showPlayerNames_xoffset 0 <value> Move player names by this much on the X axis.
cg_showPlayerNames_yoffset 16 <value> Move player names by this much on the Y axis.
cg_showPlayerNames_zfar 824 <value> Defines the distance that player names are still drawn over models.
cg_showPlayerTrails 0 <0/1> This command has already removed from the game and only exists in default.cfg. The next update will purge the remnants.
cg_showPointedPlayer 1 <0/1> If enabled, when your mouse is pointed over a teammate or enemy their name will be drawn over the player model.
cg_showPressedKeys 0 <0/1> If enabled, will show the key presses of players.
cg_showSelfShadow 0 <0/1> Enables seeing your own shadow.
cg_showSpeed 1 <0/1> Displays the speed of the player.
cg_showTeamLocations 1 <0/1> If enabled and your HUD supports it, your teammates location will be shown.
cg_showTeamMates 1 <0/1> Show teammates indicators.
cg_showTimer 1 <0/1> Displays the match's timer.
cg_showViewBlends 1 <0/1>
cg_showZoomEffect 1 <0/1> If enabled, the zoom effect is shown.
cg_simpleItems 0 <0/1> Replaces 3D models of pickupable items with simplistic 2D models.
cg_simpleItemsSize 16 <value> Changes the size of simplistic item models.
cg_specHUD <HUD name> Changes the HUD while spectating.
cg_strafeHUD 0 <0/1> Enables strafe HUD.
cg_teamALPHAcolor 254 101 101 <R G B> Color of team Alpha players.
cg_teamALPHAmodel bigvic <model name> Default model of team Alpha players.
cg_teamALPHAmodelForce 1 <0/1> Changes models of all team Alpha players to a user-chosen one.
cg_teamALPHAskin default
cg_teamBETAcolor 153 204 255 <R G B> Color of team Beta players.
cg_teamBETAmodel padpork <model name> Default model of team Beta players.
cg_teamBETAmodelForce 1 <0/1> Changes models of all team Beta players to a user-chosen one.
cg_teamBETAskin default
cg_teamColoredBeams 0 <0/1> If enabled, the LG beam color will be changed to the team color of the attacker.
cg_teamColoredInstaBeams 1 <0/1> Changes the color of the InstaBeam to the team color of the attacker.
cg_teamPLAYERScolor 0 255 70 <R G B> Color of team Players players (non-team based gametypes).
cg_teamPLAYERScolorForce 0 <0/1> Changes color of all team Players players to a user-chosen one.
cg_teamPLAYERSmodel bigvic <model name> Default model of team Players players.
cg_teamPLAYERSmodelForce 0 <0/1> Changes models of all team Players players to a user-chosen one.
cg_teamPLAYERSskin default
cg_thirdPerson 0 <0/1> Enables third person view.
cg_thirdPersonAngle 0 <value> Changes the angle of third person view.
cg_thirdPersonRange 70 <value> The distance that the player model appears from the camera when in third person view.
cg_touch_flip 0
cg_touch_lookDecel 8.5
cg_touch_lookInvert 0
cg_touch_lookSens 9
cg_touch_lookThres 5
cg_touch_moveThres 24
cg_touch_scale 100
cg_touch_showMoveDir 1
cg_touch_strafeThres 32
cg_touch_zoomThres 24
cg_touch_zoomTime 250
cg_viewBob 1 <0/1> Enabled head bobbing.
cg_viewSize 100 <40-100> The percentage of the viewable area displayed on your screen.

If less than 100 is defined then black space will fill your screen. If you set cl_demoavi_scissor 0 then images will always be exported as cg_viewSize 100. If you set cl_demoavi_scissor 1 then images will always be exported as cg_viewSize 100.

cg_voiceChats 1 <0/1> Enables voice commands (also known as "VSAYS").
cg_volume_announcer 1.0 <0-2.0> Changes the volume of the announcer.
cg_volume_effects 1.0 <0-2.0> Changes the volume of the effects.
cg_volume_hitsound 1.0 <0-2.0> Changes the volume of the hitsound.
cg_volume_players 1.0 <0-2.0> Changes the volume of player sounds.
cg_volume_voicechats 1.0 <0.0-2.0> Changes the volume of voice commands.
cg_weaponAutoswitch 2 <0-2> Enables auto switching of weapons when you're out of ammo.

0 = Autoswitch Disabled, 1 = Autoswitch Enabled (one click), 2 = Autoswitch Enabled (two clicks)

cg_weaponFlashes 2 <0-2> Enables weapon flashes.

0 = All Weapon Flashes Disabled, 1 = Wall + Floor Weapons Flash Enabled, 2 = Wall + Floor & Weapon Muzzle Flashes Enabled (if cg_gun is set to 1).

cg_weaponlist 1 <0/1> If enabled, the weapon list will be displayed on your HUD.


Command Default Parameters Description
cl_anglespeedkey 1.5
cl_checkForUpdate 1
cl_compresspackets 1 <0/1> Compresses network packets.
cl_debug_serverCmd 0 <0/1>
cl_debug_timeDelta 0
cl_demoavi_audio 0 If set to 1 Warfork will create a .wav when using demoavi cl_demoavi_video should be set to 0 since it will lag the game when capturing resulting in audio that is not realtime.
cl_demoavi_fps 30.3 Determines how many frames per second get captured by demoavi
cl_demoavi_scissor 0
cl_demoavi_video 1 If set to 1 Warfork will output frames when using demoavi
cl_download_allow_modules 1 <0/1>
cl_download_name *write protected*
cl_download_percent 0 *write protected*
cl_downloads 1 <0/1>
cl_downloads_from_web 1 *write protected*
cl_downloads_from_web_timeout 600
cl_extrapolate 1
cl_flip 0
cl_maxfps 250 <24-1000> Sets the FPS limit.
cl_mm_autologin 1
cl_mm_session 0 *write protected*
cl_mumble 0 <0/1> Enables positional audio support for Mumble
cl_mumble_scale 0.0254
cl_pitchspeed 150
cl_port 0 *write protected*
cl_port6 0 *write protected*
cl_pps 40
cl_run 1
cl_shownet 0
cl_sleep 0
cl_stereo 0
cl_stereo_separation 0.4
cl_timeout 120 <value> Kicks the player if connection is lost for more than x seconds.
cl_ucmdMaxResend 3
cl_yawspeed 140


Command Default Parameters Description
cm_noAreas 0
cm_noCurves 0


Command Default Parameters Description
com_introPlayed3 1
com_showtrace 0


Command Default Parameters Description
con_chatmode 3
con_drawNotify 0
con_fontSystemBigSize 24 <value>
con_fontSystemConsoleSize 14 <value>
con_fontSystemFallbackFamily Droid Sans Fallback
con_fontSystemFamily Droid Sans
con_fontSystemMediumSize 16 <value>
con_fontSystemMonoFamily Droid Sans Mono
con_fontSystemSmallSize 14 <value>
con_fontSystemTinySize 8 <value>
con_messageMode 0
con_notifytime 3
con_printText 1


Command Default Parameters Description
fs_basegame basewf *write protected*
fs_basepath . *write protected*
fs_cdpath *write protected*
fs_game basewf
fs_usedownloadsdir 1 *write protected*
fs_usehomedir 1 *write protected*


Command Default Parameters Description
g_allow_bunny 1 *write protected*
g_allow_falldamage 1 <0/1> Enables fall damage.
g_allow_selfdamage 1 <0/1> If enabled, players can hurt themselves with own weapons.
g_allow_spectator_voting 1 <0/1> Allows spectators to vote. Affects callvotes.
g_allow_stun 1 <0/1> If enabled, players can get stunned.
g_allow_teamdamage 1 <0/1> Enables friendlyfire.
g_ammo_respawn 0
g_antilag 1 <0/1> Enables antilag.
g_antilag_maxtimedelta 200 <value>
g_antilag_timenudge 0
g_asGC_interval 10
g_asGC_stats 0
g_autorecord 0 <0/1> Automatically records all demos.
g_autorecord_maxdemos 0 <value> Maximum amount of automatically recorded demos to keep (deletes old ones once limit is exceeded).
g_bomb_armtime 4 <value> (Bomb-exclusive) Changes the amount of time needed to arm a bomb..
g_bomb_bombtimer 25 <value> (Bomb-exclusive) Time before the bomb explodes after arming.
g_bomb_carriers 1 <value> (Bomb-exclusive)
g_bomb_defusetime 7 <value> (Bomb-exclusive) Changes the amount of time needed to defuse an armed bomb.
g_bomb_roundtime 60 <value> (Bomb-exclusive) Sets the round time (in seconds).
g_bomb_spawnprotection 3 <value> (Bomb-exclusive)
g_challengers_queue 1 <0/1> Enables the challengers queue.
g_countdown_time 5 <value>
g_disable_vote_allow_falldamage 0 <0/1> Disables "allow_falldamage" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_allow_selfdamage 0 <0/1> Disables "allow_selfdamage" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_allow_teamdamage 0 <0/1> Disables "allow_teamdamage" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_allow_uneven 0 <0/1> Disables "allow_uneven" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_allready 0 <0/1> Disables "allready" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_extended_time 0 <0/1> Disables "extended_time" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_gametype 0 <0/1> Disables "gametype" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_instajump 0 <0/1> Disables "instajump" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_instashield 0 <0/1> Disables "instashield" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_kick 0 <0/1> Disables "kick" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_kickban 0 <0/1> Disables "kickban" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_lock 0 <0/1> Disables "lock" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_map 0 <0/1> Disables "map" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_maxteamplayers 0 <0/1> Disables "maxteamplayers" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_mute 0 <0/1> Disables "mute" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_nextmap 0 <0/1> Disables "nextmap" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_numbots 0 <0/1> Disables "numbots" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_rebalance 0 <0/1> Disables "rebalance" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_remove 0 <0/1> Disables "remove" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_restart 0 <0/1> Disables "restart" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_scorelimit 0 <0/1> Disables "scorelimit" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_shuffle 0 <0/1> Disables "shuffle" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_timein 0 <0/1> Disables "timein" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_timelimit 0 <0/1> Disables "timelimit" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_timeout 0 <0/1> Disables "timeout" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_unlock 0 <0/1> Disables "unlock" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_unmute 0 <0/1> Disables "unmute" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_vmute 0 <0/1> Disables "vmute" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_vunmute 0 <0/1> Disables "vunmute" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_warmup_timelimit 0 <0/1> Disables "warmup_timelimit" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_enforce_map_pool 0 <0/1> Enables enforcing the map pool for "map" callvote.
g_floodprotection_delay 10 <value> Blocks the chat for x seconds to player who triggered the flood protection.
g_floodprotection_messages 4 <value> How many messages can a player send in y seconds before triggering the flood protection.
g_floodprotection_seconds 4 <value> Triggers flood protection if a player sends more than x messages in y seconds.
g_floodprotection_team 0 <0/1> If enabled, protects teamchat from flood.
g_gametype dm <gametype> Changes the gametype. Requires server restart / map reload.
g_gametypes_available *write protected*
g_gametypes_list *write protected*
g_gravity 850 <value> Obsolete ConVar.
g_health_respawn 0
g_inactivity_maxtime 90.0 <value> A player will get moved to spectators team if inactive for longer than x seconds (doesn't affect warmup).
g_instagib 0 <0/1> Enables InstaGib. Requires server restart.
g_instajump 1 <0/1> Enables InstaJump.
g_instashield 1 <0/1> Enables InstaShield.
g_knockback_scale 1.0 <value> Changes the knockback scale of weapons. Affects normal weapons AND InstaGib.
g_map_pool <maplist> Only allows these maps to appear in "map" callvote. Needs g_enforce_map_pool set to 1.
g_maplist <maplist> Sets the server's map list.
g_maprotation 1 <0-2> Sets map rotation mode. 0 - same map, 1 - in order, 2 - random.
g_match_extendedtime 2 <value> Changes the overtime's length to x minutes. 0 to disable.
g_match_score *write protected*
g_match_time *write protected*
g_maxtimeouts 2 <value> How many timeouts can be called per match.
g_maxvelocity 16000 <value> Obsolete ConVar.
g_needpass 1 *write protected*
g_numbots 0 <value> Amount of bots on the server.
g_operator_password <password> Sets the operator password. Operator is disabled if empty.
g_postmatch_timelimit 4 <value>
g_race_gametype 0 *write protected*
g_scorelimit 0 <value> Amount of points required to obtain by a player / team to end the match.
g_spawnsystem_wave_maxcount 16 <value>
g_spawnsystem_wave_time 15 <value>
g_teams_allow_uneven 1 <0/1> Allow the teams to be uneven. If enabled, allows players to switch teams anytime.
g_teams_maxplayers 0 <value> How many players can a single team have.
g_timelimit 10 <value> Sets the duration of matches (in minutes).
g_uploads_demos 1 <0/1> Allows players to download demos from the server.
g_votable_gametypes <gametypes> A list of gametypes allowed to be used in "gametype" callvote.
g_vote_allowed 1 <0/1> Allows / disallows calling ALL votes (including opcalls).
g_vote_cooldowntime 5 <value> A player needs to wait x seconds after calling a vote to call another one.
g_vote_electtime 20 <value> Specifies how long do callvotes last (in seconds).
g_vote_maxchanges 3 <value> Specifies how many times can a player change their vote.
g_vote_percent 55 <0-100> How much % of players need to vote yes for the vote to pass.
g_warmup_timelimit 5 <value> Sets how long do warmups take (in minutes).
g_weapon_respawn 0


Command Default Parameters Description
gl_cull 1
gl_drawbuffer GL_BACK
gl_driver_win opengl32.dll
gl_ext_bgra 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_blend_func_separate 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture 1
gl_ext_depth24 1
gl_ext_depth_nonlinear 1
gl_ext_depth_texture 1
gl_ext_draw_instanced 1
gl_ext_draw_range_elements 1
gl_ext_ES3_compatibility 1
gl_ext_fragment_precision_high 1
gl_ext_fragment_shader 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_framebuffer_blit 1
gl_ext_framebuffer_object 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_gamma_control 1
gl_ext_get_program_binary 1
gl_ext_GLSL 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_GLSL130 1
gl_ext_GLSL_core 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_gpu_memory_info 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_gpu_shader5 1
gl_ext_half_float_vertex 1
gl_ext_instanced_arrays 1
gl_ext_meminfo 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_multitexture 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_packed_depth_stencil 1
gl_ext_rgb8_rgba8 1
gl_ext_shader_objects 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_shading_language_100 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_shading_language_130 1
gl_ext_shadow 1
gl_ext_shadow_samplers 1
gl_ext_swap_control 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_texture3D 1
gl_ext_texture_array 1
gl_ext_texture_compression 1
gl_ext_texture_cube_map 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_texture_edge_clamp 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_texture_lod 1
gl_ext_texture_non_power_of_two 1
gl_ext_texture_npot 1
gl_ext_vertex_buffer_object 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_vertex_buffer_object_hack 0 *write protected*
gl_ext_vertex_half_float 1
gl_ext_vertex_shader 1 *write protected*
gl_finish 0
gl_max_texture_size 0 *write protected*


Command Default Parameters Description


Command Default Parameters Description
in_debug 0
in_dinput 1
in_grabinconsole 0
in_initmouse 1 *write protected*
in_mouse 1


Command Default Parameters Description
irc_nick WarforkPlayer
irc_port 6667
irc_user WarforkUser


Command Default Parameters Description
logconsole_append 1
logconsole_flush 0
logconsole_timestamp 0


Command Default Parameters Description
m_accel 0 <0/1> Enables mouse acceleration.
m_accelOffset 0
m_accelPow 2
m_accelStyle 0 <value> Style of mouse acceleration.
m_filter 0
m_filterStrength 0.5
m_forward 1
m_raw 1 <0/1> Enables raw mouse data input.
m_sensCap 0
m_side 1
m_yaw 0.022 <value> Changes speed scale of X axis.


Command Default Parameters Description
r_brightness 0
r_coronascale 0.4
r_detailtextures 1
r_drawelements 1 <0/1> Enables drawing elements.
r_drawentities 1 <0/1> Enables drawing entities.
r_drawflat 0 <0/1> If enabled, will draw the floor and walls as solid colors.
r_draworder 0
r_drawworld 1 <0/1> Enables drawing the world.
r_dynamiclight 1 <0/1> Enables dynamic light.
r_environment_color 0 0 0 Changes the background color if r_drawworld is 0
r_faceplanecull 1
r_fastsky 0
r_floorcolor 255 153 0 <R G B> The color of floor if r_drawflat = 1.
r_fullbright 0 <0/1> Sets maximum brightness to all textures.
r_fxaa 1 <0/1> Enables FXAA antialiasing.
r_gamma 1.0 <value> Changes the gamma.
r_ignorehwgamma 0
r_leafvis 0
r_lerpmodels 1
r_lighting_ambientscale 1
r_lighting_deluxemapping 1
r_lighting_directedscale 1
r_lighting_glossexponent 24
r_lighting_glossintensity 1.5
r_lighting_grayscale 0 <0/1> Enables grayscale lighting.
r_lighting_maxglsldlights 16
r_lighting_maxlmblocksize 2048
r_lighting_packlightmaps 1
r_lighting_specular 1
r_lighting_vertexlight 0
r_lightmap 0
r_lockpvs 0
r_lodbias 0
r_lodscale 5.0
r_mapoverbrightbits 2
r_maxfps 250 <24-1000> Sets the FPS limit.
r_maxglslbones 100
r_multithreading 1 <0/1> Enables multithreading.
r_nobind 0
r_nocull 0
r_norefresh 0
r_novis 0
r_offsetmapping 2
r_offsetmapping_reliefmapping 0
r_offsetmapping_scale 0.02
r_outlines_cutoff 712
r_outlines_scale 1
r_outlines_world 1.8
r_overbrightbits 0
r_packlightmaps 1
r_picmip 0
r_polyblend 1
r_portalmaps 1
r_portalmaps_maxtexsize 1024
r_portalonly 0
r_screenshot_fmtstr wf_y%m%d_HM%S <date format> File name format of screenshots.
r_screenshot_jpeg 1 <0/1> Enables .jpeg screenshots.
r_screenshot_jpeg_quality 90 <0-100> Sets the quality of jpeg screenshots, in percentages.
r_shadows 0
r_shadows_alpha 0.7 <0-1> Alpha of shadows.
r_shadows_dither 0
r_shadows_maxtexsize 64
r_shadows_nudge 1
r_shadows_pcf 1
r_shadows_projection_distance 64
r_shadows_self_shadow 0
r_shownormals 0
r_showtris 0
r_skymip 0
r_soft_particles 1 <0/1> Enables soft particles.
r_soft_particles_available 0 *write protected*
r_soft_particles_scale 0.02 Scale of soft particles.
r_speeds 0
r_stencilbits 0
r_subdivisions 5
r_swapinterval 0
r_swapinterval_min 0 *write protected*
r_temp1 0
r_texturebits 0
r_texturecompression 0 <0/1> Enables texture compression.
r_texturefilter 4
r_texturefilter_max 0 *write protected*
r_usenotexture 0 <0/1> Disables textures.
r_wallcolor 255 255 255 <R G B> The color of walls if r_drawflat = 1.


Command Default Parameters Description
rcon_address <ip address> Sets the IP address for rcon connection.
rcon_password <password> Sets the password for rcon connection.


Command Default Parameters Description
s_doppler 1.0
s_globalfocus 0
s_khz 44
s_mixahead 0.14
s_module 1
s_module_fallback 2
s_musicvolume 0.15 <0-1> Global music volume.
s_openAL_device Generic Software
s_pseudoAcoustics 0
s_separationDelay 1.0
s_stereo2mono 0
s_swapstereo 0
s_volume 0.8 <0-1> Global volume of the game.
s_wavonly 0


Command Default Parameters Description
scr_consize 0.4
scr_conspeed 3


Command Default Parameters Description
sv_autoUpdate 0 *write protected*
sv_botpersonality 0
sv_cheats 0 <0/1> Enables cheats on the server.
sv_debug_serverCmd 0
sv_defaultmap wfdm1 <map> Changes the default map of the server.
sv_demodir *write protected*
sv_enforcetime 1
sv_fps 62 *write protected*
sv_highchars 1
sv_hostname <name> Name of the server. Appears in the server list.
sv_http 1 <0/1> Enables an HTTP server that lets connecting players download missing files.
sv_http_ip <ip address> If set, binds the HTTP server to a specific IPv4 address.
sv_http_ipv6 <ip address> If set, binds the HTTP server to a specific IPv6 address.
sv_http_port 44444 <port> Changes the port of the HTTP server.
sv_ip <ip address> If set, binds the Warfork server to a specific IPv4 address.
sv_ip6 :: <ip address> If set, binds the Warfork server to a specific IPv6 address.
sv_iplimit 3 <value> Maximum amount of connections from a single IP address.
sv_lastAutoUpdate 0 *write protected*
sv_maxclients <value> Maximum amount of players allowed on the server.
sv_maxentities 1024
sv_maxmvclients 4
sv_mm_debug_reportbots 0
sv_mm_enable 0 *write protected*
sv_mm_loginonly 0
sv_modmanifest *write protected*
sv_MOTD 0 <0/1> Enables Message Of The Day on the server.
sv_MOTDFile <path> Path to Message Of The Day file.
sv_port 44400 <port> Changes the IPv4 port of the Warfork server.
sv_port6 44400 <port> Changes the IPv6 port of the Warfork server.
sv_pps 20 <value> Packets per second a server sends to the client.
sv_public <0/1> If set to 1, the server will appear on the public server list.
sv_pure 0 <0/1> If set to 1, the server will check the validity of client files with server. Kicks if invalid.
sv_reconnectlimit 3
sv_showChallenge 0
sv_showclamp 0
sv_showInfoQueries 0
sv_showRcon 1
sv_skilllevel 2
sv_skillRating 0 *write protected*
sv_timeout 125
sv_uploads 1
sv_uploads_demos 1
sv_uploads_from_server 1
sv_uploads_http 1 *write protected*
sv_zombietime 2


Command Default Parameters Description
ui_autobrowse_manual 0
ui_basepath ui/porkui
ui_lighting 2
ui_preload 1
ui_tutorial_launch 0
ui_tutorial_taken 0
ui_video_profile medium


Command Default Parameters Description
vid_displayfrequency 0
vid_fullscreen 1
vid_height 0
vid_multiscreen_head -1
vid_parentwid 0 *write protected*
vid_ref ref_gl
vid_width 0
vid_xpos 0
vid_ypos 0


Command Default Parameters Description
win_noalttab 0
win_nowinkeys 1

Prefixless cvars & cvars with unique prefixes

Command Default Parameters Description
clan <name> Sets the name of your clan. Appears on the scoreboard.
color 255 255 255 <R G B>
debuggraph 0
dedicated 0 *write protected* Tells the game if it's a dedicated server.
developer 0 Level of developer information printed to the console. The higher the number, the more information is printed.
developerMemory 0
favorites 0
filterban 1
fixedtime 0
fov 100 <value> Changes your Field of view.
gamedate Oct 8 2019
gamename Warfork *write protected* Name of the game.
graphheight 32
graphscale 1
graphshift 0
hand 0
handicap 0 <value> Decreases your damage output by x% usefull for dueling players below your skill level
host_speeds 0
lang <language> Sets the language of Warfork.
lookspring 0
lookstrafe 0
mapname *write protected* The name of current map played.
mm_url *write protected*
model bigvic <model name>
name <name> Changes your nickname.
net_showfragments 0
netgraph 0
nextmap match "advance"
password <password> If a server requires a password, the client automatically tries to join with x password.
protocol 22 *write protected*
revision Oct 8 2019 00:08:07 *write protected* Date when the game was compiled.
sensitivity 3 <value> Changes sensitivity of your mouse.
showdrop 0 <0/1>
showpackets 0 <0/1>
skin default
timedemo 0
timegraph 0
timescale 1.0 <value> Changes the time scale of the game.
tv_server 0 *write protected* Tells the game if the server is a TV server.
version 2.10 x64 Oct 8 2019 Win32 RELEASE *write protected* The version of the game.
zoomfov 30 <value> Changes the field of view while zooming.
zoomsens 0


Command Parameters Description
+attack Primary attack.
+forward Moves forward.
+left Looks left.
+lookdown Looks down.
+lookup Looks up.
+movedown Moves backwards.
+moveleft Moves left.
+moveright Moves right.
+scores Accesses the scoreboard.
+use Uses an item.
+zoom Zooms.
-attack Stops primary attack.
-forward Stops moving forward.
-left Stops looking left.
-lookdown Stops looking down.
-lookup Stops looking up.
-movedown Stops moving backwards.
-moveleft Stops moving left.
-moveright Stops moving right.
-scores Stops accessing the scoreboard.
-use Stops using an item.
-zoom Stops zooming.
alias <alias name> <command> Creates an alias.
aliaslist Lists all aliases.
bind <key> <command> Binds a key to a command.
bindlist Lists all bound keys.
callvote <vote> [argument] Calls a vote.
clear Clears the console.
cmdlist Lists all console commands.
condump <filename> Dumps the console log to a file.
connect <ip address> Connects to a server.
cvarlist Lists all cvars.
demo <filename> Loads a specific demo.
demoavi Starts recording video as frames or audio as .wav file depending on cl_demoavi_audio and cl_demoavi_video. Framerate depends on cl_demoavi_fps.
demoget <ID> Use with demolist to download recorded demos from a server
demojump Jumps to a specified time in a demo. Time format is [minutes:]seconds. Use + or - in front of the time to specify it in relation to current position in the demo.
demolist Lists all demos on the Server and their ID. Can be downloaded via demoget <ID>
demopause Pauses or resumes the currently playing demo.
disconnect Disconnects from current server.
echo <message> Prints a message to the console.
exec <filename> Executes a configuration file.
gametype Lists information about current game type.
god Toggles godmode.
join [team name] Joins the game. Joins a specific team if specified.
kick <player> Kicks a player from the server.
kill Kills the player.
killserver Kills the server process.
leavequeue Leaves the challengers queue.
lockteam Locks the teams.
map <map name> Switches a map.
maplist Lists all maps available.
noclip Toggles noclip.
notready Changes status to "Not ready".
op <password> Makes the player a game operator.
opcall <vote> [argument] Calls an instant-passing vote.
operator <password> Makes the player a game operator.
players Lists all players in-game.
position Displays player's current position.
quit Quits the game / server.
racerestart Restarts the race.
rcon <command> Executes a server command as console.
ready Makes the player ready.
reconnect Reconnects the player to the current server.
record <name> Records a demo with the specified name(These are single POV demos, for multiPOV use serverrecord).
removeip <ip address> Removes an IP ban.
s_restart Restarts the sound engine.
say <message> Sends a global message.
say_team <message> Sends a team message.
serverrecord <name> Records a multiPOV demo on the Server (can be downloaded by clients via demolist and demoget).
set <cvar> <value> Changes the value of x cvar to y.
timein Resumes the match instantly.
timeout Pauses the match for 180 seconds.
toggle <cvar> <argument 1> [argument n] Toggles a cvar's value between the arguments.
toggleready Toggles "ready" status.
ui_reload Reloads the user interface.
unalias <name> Removes an alias.
unaliasall Removes all aliases>
unbind <key> Unbinds a key.
unbindall Unbinds all keys.
unlockteam Unlocks the teams.
unready Makes the player unready.
vid_restart Restarts the video engine.
vote <yes / no> Casts a vote.
vsay <name> Says a voice message globally. Shows list of all voice messages if executed without the argument.
vsay_team <name> Says a voice message to the team.
weaplast Switches to last weapon.
weapnext Switches to next weapon.
weapprev Switches to previous weapon.
writeconfig <name> Writes the current configuration to a file.