Calling Votes

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Warfork has a voting system built-in that lets players change certain server settings, punish misbehaving players and modify game rules.

Types of votes

Warfork has multiple votes by default. Some gametypes have their own votes. Default Warfork votes:

Vote Parameters Description
allow_falldamage 0/1 Toggles fall damage. 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled.
allow_selfdamage 0/1 If enabled, players can hurt themselves with their own weapons. 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled.
allow_teamdamage 0/1 Toggles friendlyfire. 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled.
allow_uneven 0/1 Allows the teams to be uneven. If enabled, allows players to switch teams anytime. 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled.
allready Makes all players ready, thus forcing a match to start. Only works during warmup.
extended_time Changes the overtime's length to x minutes. 0 to disable.
gametype <gametype> Changes the gametype. Resets the match.
instajump 0/1 If enabled, InstaGun can be used for weapon jumping (InstaGib only).
instashield 0/1 Enables InstaShield (InstaGib only).
kick <player> Kicks a player from the server.
kickban <player> Bans a player's IP address for 15 minutes.
lock Locks the teams so that noone else can join during the game (doesn't affect warmup).
map <map> Changes the map.
maxteamplayers <value> Changes how many players can a single team have.
mute <player> Mutes a player. Prevents them from using text chat.
nextmap Changes the current map to the next one from map rotation list.
numbots <value> Changes the amount of bots on the server. 0 to disable.
rebalance Rebalances teams (based on the stats). Wipes player stats.
remove <player> Puts a player into Spectators team.
restart Restarts the match.
scorelimit Sets the amount of points required to obtain by a player / team to end the match.
shuffle Shuffles teams. Wipes player stats.
timein Resumes a match. Only works during timeouts.
timelimit <value> Sets the duration of matches (in minutes).
timeout Pauses a match for 180 seconds.
unlock Unlocks teams so other players can join during the game.
unmute <player> Unmutes a player. Allows them to use text chat.
vmute <player> Mutes player's voice commands.
vunmute <player> Unmutes player's voice commands.
warmup_timelimit <value> Sets how long do warmups take (in minutes). 0 to make warmups infinite.

Calling votes

There are two ways of calling a vote: using HUD and using the console. Calling votes using the HUD is easy and straightforward. Some players prefer to use the console, which allows utilizing opcalls.

