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My screen is blank when I open Warfork

This generally means your videocard cannot run Warfork with its default configuration settings. Try adding the following to game properties in Steam: +exec profiles/low

I'm seeing "pure check failed" when a server I connect to attempts to download a map.

  1. That pure check failed could have a bunch of different causes
  2. the file isn't downloadable from the server
  3. the client's filesystem is blocking it from saving
  4. the served file differs from the actual file
  5. the client has a different version of the same file
  6. etc

Try adding the following to game properties in Steam: +set fs_usehomedir 0

How do I increase my FPS limit?

Try adding the following to game properties in Steam: +cl_maxfps 500 +r_maxfps 500. The maximum value is 1000.

I don't have Steam and\or don't want to use it. Where can I download Warfork?

We host binaries at

Does a 32-bit version exist?

It will be available in the next update.

Is it possible to change weapon models?

It will be soon.

Does Warfork has max acceleration hud like in defrag?

Defrag had such command like cgaz_hud

not quite the same but cg_strafehud 1 is a strafe helper ale's race hud can show accel and there are some other custom ones with it i don't have links

I created a game and I want to play with a friend, but how can he join me?

you have to open 44400 UDP and 44444 TCP ports on your router and sometimes have a static ip address (depends on your ISP)

Cmd/how to remove the text when spectating? 'ESC' for in-game menu or...... etc.

showhelp something cg_showhelp maybe

How do I make my own map?

You use a tool called NetRadiant. Most tutorials for Warsow, Quake 3, and GTKRadiant will be extremely similar. The Warfork files you need for NetRadiant can be found here - - In the Development section there are some relevant pages - Very detailed tutorial for quake 3 map-making

may i ask how i can host my own servers so my friends and I can play without being in the same internet?

is there a way to set chat binds?

bind f say_team blablabla /bind f say blablabla / bind f vsay goodgame blablabla / bind f vsay_team goodgame blablabla / you can bind the voicemessages somewhere in the menu might be that you need to put quotes around the actual command (like bind f "say_team blablabla")

For some reason the players all turn the textures black around them when they are near me.

Here's an example: Hm, so turns out it's not just one server. So far the only servers I've had the issue on have been FFA ones. Here's another example:

you probably downloaded some pk3 that breaks it deleting or renaming that should work you'll have to redownload maps

undo that and only delete basewf/cache but not the basewf in downloads there is one above that

warfork opengamepanel config?

if it has a q3 config that might work nevermind probably not

where can I find the (script) files for official gamemodes?

pure pk3 file

how to make a custom gamemode?


Should I modify pk3 files?

don't modify the pk3s

How do I read or\extract PK3 files?

PK3 files are compressed using Zip compression. We recommend you use 7-Zip:

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