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(so that was a lie)
Line 48: Line 48:
| void makeNormalVectors(Vec3 right, Vec3 up) || Returns the normal and binormal vector of the current vector (assumed to be the tangent/forward).
| void makeNormalVectors(Vec3 right, Vec3 up) || Returns the normal and binormal vector of the current vector (assumed to be the tangent/forward).
The mathematical operators are overloaded for vectors and perform the equivalent vector operation.
==== Operators ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Operator !! Description
| + Vec3 || Vector addition
| - Vec3 || Vector subtraction
| * Vec3 || [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot_product Dot product]
| ^ Vec3 || [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_product Cross product]
| * int || Scalar multiplication
| * float || Scalar multiplication
oh yeah and the assign versions work too
=== String ===
=== String ===
=== Array ===
=== Array ===

Revision as of 02:21, 31 March 2020

Eternally incorrect and incomplete. Please refer to the warfork source whenever possible.

Utility Types



Constructor Description
Vec3() Initializes x,y,z to zero.
Vec3(float v) Initializes x,y,z to v.
Vec3(float x, float y, float z) Initializes x,y,z with the given values for each.
Vec3(Vec3) Copy constructor. Initializes x,y,z to the values on the supplied Vec3.


Property Description R/W
float x The x component of the vector. RW
float y The y component of the vector. RW
float z The z component of the vector. RW


Method Description
void set(float x, float y, float z) Sets the x,y,z components on the vector to the supplied values.
float length() Returns the magnitude of the vector.
float normalize() Normalizes the vector and returns the magnitude pre-normalization.
float distance(Vec3) Returns the distance between the tips of this vector and the supplied vector.
void angleVectors(Vec3 forward, Vec3 right, Vec3 up) Sets the provided vectors as rotations about the forward, right, and up axes (?)
Vec3 toAngles() Returns a vector representing the current vector as a rotation.
Vec3 perpendicular() Returns the vector perpendicular to this vector.
void makeNormalVectors(Vec3 right, Vec3 up) Returns the normal and binormal vector of the current vector (assumed to be the tangent/forward).


Operator Description
+ Vec3 Vector addition
- Vec3 Vector subtraction
* Vec3 Dot product
^ Vec3 Cross product
* int Scalar multiplication
* float Scalar multiplication

oh yeah and the assign versions work too





Game Types









Not constructable.


Property Description R/W
Stats stats Stats object for this client RW
bool connecting Is this client connecting to the server? R
bool multiview ?????? R
bool tv Is viewing on tv R
int team Team number RW
int hand Client's hand in use R
bool isOperator Is client an oper R
int queueTimeStamp Timestamp (ms) of when the client joined challengers queue R
int muted & 1 = chat disabled, & 2 = vsay disabled R
float armor Client's armor amount RW
bool chaseActive Is Client spectating R
int chaseTarget Number of player entity that client is spectating RW
bool chaseTeamonly Is spectating locked to client's teammates RW
int chaseFollowMode 0 = freefly, 1 = ineyes (first person), 2 = thirdperson RW
bool coach Is client a coach (??) R
int ping Latency in ms R
int16 weapon Equipped weapon? R
int16 pendingWeapon Weapon to switch to after cooldown R
bool takeStun player is stunned, possibly unused RW
uint lastActivity Timestamp (ms) of last interaction R
uint uCmdTimeStamp Timestamp (ms) of last command received from client R
int playerNum Internal ID (entity number - 1) R
String@ name Client's display name R
String@ clanName Client's clan name R
uint pmoveFeatures Bitmask describing player move features, see below RW
float pmoveMaxSpeed Client's walking speed RW
float pmoveJumpSpeed Client's jumping speed RW
float pmoveDashSpeed Client's dash speed RW
uint pressedKeys Bitmask describing currently pressed keys, format ??? R
bool chaseActive ?????? RW


Method Description
bool isReady() Returns the ready state of this client, as in F4
bool isBot() Returns the human status of the client
Bot@ getBot() If this client is a bot, returns the corresponding Bot object
int state() Returns the client state, as a client state enum. See below
void respawn(bool ghost) Respawn this client, optionally as a ghost 👻👻👻
void clearPlayerStateEvents() ?????? todo wtf are player state events
String@ getMMLogin() Returns the value of cl_mm_login for this client
Entity@ getEnt() Returns the corresponding Entity object for this client
int inventoryCount(int tag) Returns the amount of the given item (addressed by tag, see Item) in this client's inventory
void inventorySetCount(int tag, int count) Sets the amount of the given item (addressed by tag) in this client's inventory
void inventoryGiveItem(int tag, int count) Adds the amount of the given item (addressed by tag) in this client's inventory
void inventoryGiveItem(int tag) Add default quantity of the given item (addressed by tag) to this client
void inventoryClear() Delete all items from the client's inventory
bool canSelectWeapon(int tag) Returns whether the given weapon (addressed by tag) may be switched to, as determined by ammo
void selectWeapon(int tag) Make the client switch to the given weapon (addressed by tag)
void addAward(String award) Adds the specified award and displays it
void addMetaAward(String award) Evil hacker awards, not displayed, only sent to matchmaker
void execGameCommand(String command) Sends the given server command to this client
void setHUDStat(int stat, int value) ;-;
int getHUDStat(int stat) ;-;
String@ getUserInfoKey(String) Returns the value associated with the given key in userinfo
void printMessage(String) Sends the user a chat message with the given text
void chaseCam(String@ name, bool teamOnly) Makes the client follow the teammate with the given name (or none at all to reset), and optionally locks spectating to teammates
void newRaceRun(int numSectors) ?????? racemod stuff is hard :p
void setRaceTime(int sector, uint time) ?????? racemod stuff is hard :p
void setHelpMessage(uint msg) sets the specified mapmsg to display?
void setQuickMenuItems(String) Set voice com quick commands


Client State

should be called connection state LOL

Enum Value Description
CS_FREE This connection can be reused/is inactive
CS_ZOMBIE The client associated with this connection recently disconnected, don't reuse yet
CS_CONNECTING This client is waiting for configstrings
CS_CONNECTED A client object has been created, but is not in game yet
CS_SPAWNED The client is in game



Constructor Description
Cvar(String name, String value, uint flags) Creates the cvar "name" if it does not exist, with the given value and flags. If the cvar exists, the value is unused, and the supplied flags are set if they are not already set on the cvar.
Cvar(Cvar) Copy constructor.


Property Description R/W
bool modified ?????? RW
bool boolean The value of the cvar as a bool R
int integer The value of the cvar as an int R
float value The value of the cvar as a float R
String@ name The name of cvar R
String@ string The value of the cvar as a string R
String@ defaultString The default value of the cvar R
String@ latchedString If the cvar has CVAR_LATCH or a variant, the value after a map/video restart R


Method Description
void reset() Resets the value of the cvar to its default value.
void set(String &value) Sets the value of the cvar to the supplied string.
void set(float value) Sets the value of the cvar to the supplied float.
void set(int value) Sets the value of the cvar to the supplied integer. Note: cast to float internally
void set(double value) Sets the value of the cvar to the supplied double. Note: cast to float internally


Enum Value Description
CVAR_ARCHIVE Saved to config
CVAR_USERINFO Added to userinfo when changed
CVAR_SERVERINFO Added to serverinfo when changed
CVAR_NOSET Only settable from command line
CVAR_LATCH Save changes until a map restart
CVAR_LATCH_VIDEO Save changes until a video restart
CVAR_LATCH_AUDIO Save changes until a sound restart
CVAR_CHEAT Reset to default unless cheats are enabled
CVAR_READONLY not user-changeable
[Not present in angelscript] CVAR_DEVELOPER only visible/changeable in dev builds



Not constructable. New instances can be spawned, see@ G_SpawnEntity.


Property Description R/W
Client@ client The associated client (nullable) RW
Item@ item ?????? (for bonus items) RW
Entity@ groundEntity ?????? RW
Entity@ owner ?????? RW
Entity@ enemy ?????? RW
Entity@ activator ?????? RW
int type Entity type enum (see below) RW
int modelindex ?????? RW
int modelindex2 ?????? RW
int frame Frame of animation OR ET_SPRITE radius, ... RW
int ownerNum ?????? RW
int counterNum ?????? RW
int skinNum ?????? RW
int colorRGBA ?????? RW
int weapon ?????? RW
bool teleported ?????? RW
uint effects ?????? RW
int sound ?????? RW
int team ?????? RW
int light ?????? RW
bool inuse ?????? R
uint svflags ?????? RW
int solid ?????? RW
int clipMask ?????? RW
int spawnFlags ?????? RW
int style ?????? RW
int moveType ?????? RW
uint nextThink ?????? RW
float health ?????? RW
int maxHealth ?????? RW
int viewHeight ?????? RW
int takeDamage ?????? RW
int damage ?????? RW
int projectileMaxDamage ?????? RW
int projectileMinDamage ?????? RW
int projectileMaxKnockback ?????? RW
int projectileMinKnockback ?????? RW
float projectileSplashRadius ?????? RW
int count ?????? RW
float wait ?????? RW
float delay ?????? RW
float random ?????? RW
int waterLevel ?????? RW
float attenuation ?????? RW
int mass ?????? RW
uint timeStamp ?????? RW
entThink@ think Think callback RW
entTouch@ touch Touch callback RW
entUse@ use Use callback RW
entPain@ pain Pain callback RW
entDie@ die Die callback RW
entStop@ stop Stop callback RW
Vec3 velocity The velocity vector of the entity RW
Vec3 avelocity The angular velocity vector of the entity RW
Vec3 origin Position vector RW
Vec3 origin2 Position vector (but different than origin) RW
Vec3 angles The direction the entity is facing RW
Vec3 movedir Movement vector (separate from current velocity) RW
int entNum ?????? R
int playerNum ?????? R
String@ model ?????? R
String@ model2 ?????? R
String@ classname Name of the entity RW
String@ targetname ?????? RW
String@ target ?????? RW
String@ map ?????? RW
int particlesSpeed ?????? only used on ET_PARTICLES entities RW
int particlesShaderIndex ?????? only used on ET_PARTICLES entities RW
int particlesSpread ?????? only used on ET_PARTICLES entities RW
int particlesSize ?????? only used on ET_PARTICLES entities RW
int particlesTime ?????? only used on ET_PARTICLES entities RW
int particlesFrequency ?????? only used on ET_PARTICLES entities RW
bool particlesSpherical ?????? only used on ET_PARTICLES entities RW
bool particlesBounce ?????? only used on ET_PARTICLES entities RW
bool particlesGravity ?????? only used on ET_PARTICLES entities RW
bool particlesExpandEffect ?????? only used on ET_PARTICLES entities RW
bool particlesShrinkEffect ?????? only used on ET_PARTICLES entities RW



Entity types enum Description
ET_GENERIC Generic entity?
ET_PLAYER Player entity
ET_CORPSE Corpse entity
ET_BEAM Map beams
ET_PORTALSURFACE Portal surface, used for misc_portal_surface
ET_PUSH_TRIGGER Push trigger entity, another weird map thing
ET_GIB Gib entity that leaves a trail
ET_BLASTER Gunblade projectile?
ET_ROCKET Rocket projectile
ET_GRENADE Grenade projectile
ET_PLASMA Plasma gun projectile
ET_SPRITE 2d Sprite entity
ET_ITEM Item entity, like those created by SpawnItem
ET_LASERBEAM Lasergun projectile?
ET_CURVELASERBEAM Weak laser beam, unused
ET_FLAG_BASE ??? used for the flag base in CTF
ET_DECAL Decal sprites
ET_ITEM_TIMER ??? (for specs only)
ET_PARTICLES misc_particles
ET_SPAWN_INDICATOR Shows spawn locations
ET_VIDEO_SPEAKER misc_video_speaker
ET_RADAR ET_SPRITE minus the depth test
ET_EVENT [96] Used for effects, last 1 frame
ET_SOUNDEVENT [97] Used for effects, last 1 frame


Callback signature Description
void entThink(Entity@ ent) Think function. Called every frame(?)
void entTouch(Entity@ ent, Entity@ other, Vec3 planeNormal, int surfFlags) Called when the entity touches another entity. planeNormal, surfFlags ???
void entUse(Entity@ ent, Entity@ other, Entity@ activator) ??????
void entPain(Entity@ ent, Entity@ other, float kick, float damage) Called when the entity is damaged by another entity. kick ?????
void entDie(Entity@ ent, Entity@ inflicter, Entity@ attacker) Called on entity death. inflictor, attacker ??????
void entStop(Entity@ ent) ??????


Weapons & weapon, ammo, armor, health, powerup pickups


Not constructable.


Property Description R/W
int tag More specific type, see enums R
uint type Category, see relevant enum R
int flags Item flags, see relevant enum R
int quantity Pickup amount R
int inventoryMax Max amount that can be carried R
int ammoTag Ammo type, see relevant enum R
int weakAmmoTag Ammo type R
String@ classname Linked to map entity name? R
String@ name Printed on pickup R
String@ shortName Name used for printing in messages R
String@ model worldmodel R
String@ model2 worldmodel R
String@ icon Icon displayed in HUD? R
String@ simpleIcon Image used in simpleitems mode R
String@ pickupSound Sound played on pickup R
String@ colorToken Color used for printing in messages R


Method Description
bool isPickable() Returns the state of the pickable flag
bool isUsable() Returns the state of the usable flag
bool isDropable() Returns the state of the dropable flag


Weapon Tag
Name Description
WEAP_NONE No weapon
WEAP_GUNBLADE The gunblade
WEAP_MACHINEGUN The machinegun
WEAP_RIOTGUN The riotgun
WEAP_GRENADELAUNCHER The grenade launcher
WEAP_ROCKETLAUNCHER The rocket launcher
WEAP_PLASMAGUN The plasmagun
WEAP_LASERGUN The lasergun
WEAP_ELECTROBOLT The electrobolt
WEAP_INSTAGUN The instagun
Ammo Tag
Name Description
AMMO_BULLETS Machinegun ammo
AMMO_SHELLS Riotgun ammo
AMMO_GRENADES Grenade Launcher ammo
AMMO_ROCKETS Rocket Launcher ammo
AMMO_PLASMA Plasmagun ammo
AMMO_LASER Lasergun ammo
AMMO_BOLTS Electrobolt ammo
AMMO_INSTAS Instagun ammo
AMMO_WEAK_GUNBLADE Unused in Warfork.
AMMO_WEAK_BULLETS Unused in Warfork.
AMMO_WEAK_SHELLS Unused in Warfork.
AMMO_WEAK_GRENADES Unused in Warfork.
AMMO_WEAK_ROCKETS Unused in Warfork.
AMMO_WEAK_PLASMA Unused in Warfork.
AMMO_WEAK_LASER Unused in Warfork.
AMMO_WEAK_BOLTS Unused in Warfork.
AMMO_WEAK_INSTAS Unused in Warfork.
Armor Tag
Name Description
ARMOR_NONE [0] No armor
ARMOR_GA [AMMO_TOTAL] Green armor, +50 up to 100
ARMOR_YA Yellow armor, +75 up to 125
ARMOR_RA Red armor, +100 up to 150
ARMOR_SHARD Armor shard, +5 up to 200
Health Tag
Name Description
HEALTH_NONE [0] No health
HEALTH_SMALL [ARMOR_TOTAL] Green health, 5HP pickup
HEALTH_MEDIUM Yellow health, 25HP pickup
HEALTH_LARGE Orange health, 50HP pickup
HEALTH_MEGA Purple health, 100HP pickup, overheal
HEALTH_ULTRA Blue health, 100HP pickup, overheal
Powerup Tag
Name Description
POWERUP_NONE [0] No powerup
POWERUP_QUAD [HEALTH_TOTAL] Quad damage powerup
POWERUP_SHELL Warshell powerup
POWERUP_REGEN Regen powerup
Otheritems Tag


Name Description
AMMO_PACK Item is an ammo pack
Item flags

This type is not accessible in AngelScript, but the field it describes is. Compare using the enum ordinals provided below, or the Item methods. Bitmaskable

Name Description
ITFLAG_PICKABLE [1] Can be picked up
ITFLAG_USABLE [2] Can be used
ITFLAG_DROPABLE [4] Can be dropped
Item type


Name Description
IT_WEAPON [1] Item is a weapon
IT_AMMO [2] Item is ammo
IT_ARMOR [4] Item is armor
IT_POWERUP [8] Item is a powerup
IT_HEALTH [64] Item is health