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Line 69: Line 69:
| Enables automatic demo recording of matches after warmup mode is finished.  
| Enables automatic demo recording of matches after warmup mode is finished.  
The demo will be written to /demos/autorecord/ in your [[Game_data_folder|data folder]] with the time, date, map, and your in-game name in the filename.
The demo will be written to /demos/autorecord/gametype/ in your [[Game_data_folder|data folder]] with the time, date, map, and your in-game name in the filename.
| cg_autoaction_screenshot
| cg_autoaction_screenshot

Revision as of 03:22, 25 February 2020



Command Default Parameters Description
bot_dummy 0 <0/1> If enabled, bots will be completely stationary and not fire any weapons.

Example Screenshot: bot_dummy "1"

bot_showcombat 0 <0/1> If enabled, combat messages for bots will be displayed.

Chasecam and botdebug must be enabled as well for this command to work.

Example Screenshot: bot_showcombat "1"

bot_showlrgoal 0 <0/1> If enabled, the long range goals for bots will be displayed.

Chasecam and botdebug must be enabled as well for this command to work.

Example Screenshot: bot_showlrgoal "1"

bot_showpath 0 <0/1> If enabled, a path will be drawn that the bot is following.

Chasecam and botdebug must be enabled as well for this command to work.

Example Screenshot: bot_showpath "1"

bot_showsrgoal 0 <0/1> If enabled, the short range goals for bots will be displayed.

Chasecam and botdebug must be enabled as well for this command to work.

Example Screenshot: bot_showsrgoal "1"


Command Default Parameters Description
cg_autoaction_demo 0 <0/1> Enables automatic demo recording of matches after warmup mode is finished.

The demo will be written to /demos/autorecord/gametype/ in your data folder with the time, date, map, and your in-game name in the filename.

cg_autoaction_screenshot 0 <0/1> Enables automatic screenshot of final standings on the scoreboard when the match is finished.

The screenshot will be written to /screenshots/ in your data folder with the time, date, map, and your in-game name in the filename.

cg_autoaction_spectator 0 <0/1> Use autoaction when spectating games.
cg_autoaction_stats 0 <0/1> If enabled, your statistics (accuracy, kills, deaths, k/d ratio, etc.) will be saved in a .txt file in your data folder when the match is finished.
cg_bloodTrail 10 <value> Changes the density of damage rings rendered when a player is hit.

0 = Disabled

Example Screenshot: cg_bloodTrail "10"

cg_bloodTrailAlpha 1.0 <0-1> Sets the transparency of damage rings rendered.

0 = 100% Transparent & 1 = 100% Solid

cg_cartoonEffects 7
cg_cartoonHitEffect 0 <0/1> If enabled, critical hit effects are displayed for high damage value attacks.

Example Screenshot: cg_cartoonHitEffect "1"

cg_chatBeep 1 <0/1> Enables the chat beep sound when someone sends a message.
cg_chatFilter 0 <0-2> Filters chat messages.

0 = Display all Messages, 1 = Filters global chat messages, 2 = Filters team chat messages

cg_chatFilterTV 2 <0-4> Filters Warfork TV chat messages.

0 = Display all Messages, 1 = Filters global chat messages, 2 = Filters team chat messages, 4 = Filter TV spectator chat messages

cg_clientHUD <HUD name> Changes your HUD.
cg_colorCorrection 1 <0/1> Enables color correction.

Color Correction works only on maps which have tables for it with supported GPUs.

Example Screenshots: cg_colorCorrection "0" · cg_colorCorrection "1"

cg_crosshair 1 <0-13> Changes your crosshair style.

0 = No crosshair

Crosshairs examples.png

cg_crosshair_color 255 255 255 <R G B> Changes the color of your crosshair.
cg_crosshair_damage_color 255 0 0 <R G B> Changes the color of your crosshair when you hit an enemy.
cg_crosshair_font Warsow Crosshairs Changes the font of your crosshair.
cg_crosshair_size 24 <size> Changes the size of your crosshair.
cg_crosshair_strong 0 <0-13> Changes your crosshair style for strong ammo. 0 disables it.
cg_crosshair_strong_color 255 255 255 <R G B> Changes the color of your crosshair for strong ammo.
cg_crosshair_strong_size 24 <size> Changes the size of your crosshair for strong ammo.
cg_damage_blend 1 <0-1> This command no longer works and is a placeholder.

It use to enable a red flash when you got hit if cg_damage_indicator = 1.

cg_damage_indicator 1 <0-1> If enabled, a red damage indicator will appear in the direction(s) you were hit.
cg_damage_indicator_time 25 <value> Sets how long the red damage indicator will be visible.
cg_damageNumbers 1 <0/1> Enables Damage Numbers that are displayed when attacking a player.
cg_damageNumbersColor 8 <0-11> Changes the color of your Damage Numbers.

0 = White, 1 = Black, 2 = Red, 3 = Green, 4 = Blue, 5 = Yellow, 6 = Orange, 7 = Magenta, 8 = Cyan, 9 = Light Grey, 10 = Medium Grey, 11 = Dark Grey

cg_damageNumbersDistance 48 <1-200> The vertical distance above the player model that Damage Numbers are displayed.
cg_damageNumbersOffset 1 <1-5> The offset distance between the Damage Number and its shadow.
cg_damageNumbersSize 1 <1-4> Changes the size of your Damage Numbers.

1 = Tiny, 2 = Small, 3 = Medium, 4 = Large

cg_debugHUD 0 <0/1> If enabled, the HUD name that's being loaded will print to console.
cg_debugPlayerModels 0 <0/1> If enabled, player model information will be displayed on each map load in console.
cg_debugWeaponModels 0 <0/1> If enabled, weapon model information will be displayed on each map load in console.
cg_decals 1 <0/1> If enabled, you will see projectile impact effects on walls.
cg_draw2D 1 <0/1> If enabled, you will see the HUD (scores, ammunition, clock, etc.)
cg_ebbeam_alpha 0.4 <0-1> Sets the transparency of the Electrobolt Beam. 0 = 100% Transparent & 1 = 100% Solid
cg_ebbeam_old 0 <0/1> If enabled, you will see the old (simplistic) Electrobolt beam.
cg_ebbeam_time 0.6 <value> Sets how long the Elecrobolt beam will be visible.
cg_ebbeam_width 64 <value> Sets the width of the Elecrobolt beam.
cg_explosionsDust 0 <0/1> If enabled, an explosion dust will appear around Grenade Launcher and Rocket Launcher projectiles upon impact.
cg_explosionsRing 0 <0/1> If enabled, an explosion ring will appear around Grenade Launcher and Rocket Launcher projectiles upon impact.
cg_flashWindowCount 4 <value> The amount of times Warfork flashes in your taskbar if warmup ends and a match starts.
cg_forceMyTeamAlpha 0 <0/1> If enabled, your HUD, teammates and enemies will appear as if you always were in the Alpha team.
cg_gamepad_accelMax 2 <value> Maximum acceleration of the gamepad.
cg_gamepad_accelSpeed 3 <value> Speed of gamepad's acceleration.
cg_gamepad_accelThres 0.9 <value> Threshold of gamepad's acceleration.
cg_gamepad_moveThres 0.239 <value> Specifies the dead-zone for movement.
cg_gamepad_pitchInvert 0 <0/1> If enabled, the gamepad will be inverted.
cg_gamepad_pitchSpeed 240 <value> Specifies the sensitivity when looking up and down.
cg_gamepad_pitchThres 0.265 <value> Specifies the dead-zone for looking up and down.
cg_gamepad_runThres 0.75
cg_gamepad_strafeRunThres 0.45
cg_gamepad_strafeThres 0.239
cg_gamepad_swapSticks 0 <0/1> Swaps sticks on your gamepad.
cg_gamepad_yawSpeed 260 <value> Specifies the sensitivity when looking left and right.
cg_gamepad_yawThres 0.265 <value> Specifies the dead-zone for looking left and right.
cg_gibs 1 <0/1> This command is a placeholder.

It use to define the total number of gibs that would be displayed when you fragged someone.

cg_gun 1 <0/1> Shows your weapon.
cg_gun_alpha 1 <0-1> Transparency of your weapon model.
cg_gun_fov 90 <1-160> Field-of-View of your weapon model.
cg_gunbob 1 <0/1> Enables bobbing of the weapon model.
cg_gunx 0 <value> Moves your weapon's model on the X axis.
cg_guny 0 <value> Moves your weapon's model on the Y axis.
cg_gunz 0 <value> Moves your weapon's model on the Z axis.
cg_handOffset 5 <value> The offset of your hand's position. 0 means middle.
cg_instabeam_alpha 0.4 <0-1> Transparency of the instabeam.
cg_instabeam_time 0.4 <value> The time an instagun beam will be displayed before disappearing.
cg_instabeam_width 7 <value> The width of an instagun beam.
cg_laserBeamSubdivisions 10 <value> The higher the number the smoother the laser beam looks.
cg_movementStyle 0 <0/1> Old movement = 0 and New movement = 1
cg_noAutoHop 0 <0/1> If enabled, disables autohop by holding spacebar.
cg_outlineModels 1 <0/1> Outlines models.
cg_outlinePlayers 1 <0/1> Outlines players.
cg_outlineWorld 0 <0/1> Outlines every object in maps.
cg_particles 1 <0/1> Enables particles.
cg_pickup_flash 0 <0/1> If enabled, you will see a flash when picking up an item or weapon.

For this command to work please set cg_showViewBlends 1

cg_placebo 0 <value> An easteregg for comedic purpose that does nothing. It will be removed shortly.
cg_playerTrailsColor 0.0 1.0 0.0 <R G B> This command has already been removed from the game and only exists in default.cfg. The next update will purge the remnants.
cg_playList sounds/music/match.m3u <path> Path to a music playlist.
cg_playListShuffle 1 <0/1> Plays songs randomly from the music playlist.
cg_predict 1 <0/1> Predicts players' movement on multiplayer servers for smoothness.
cg_predict_optimize 1 <0/1> Optimizes cg_predict's behavior.
cg_predictLaserBeam 1 <0/1> If enabled, a perfectly straight line laserbeam will always be drawn regardless of server lag. If disabled, a laserbeam will be drawn based on server lag.
cg_projectileAntilagOffset 1.0 <value> The defined value adds a time offset to counter anti-lag visualization.
cg_projectileFireTrail 90 <value> Controls the amount of firetrail left behind when firing the Rocket Launcher or Grenade Launcher.

0 = Disabled

cg_projectileFireTrailAlpha 0.45 <0-1> Controls the transparency level of the firetrail left behind when firing the Rocket Launcher or Grenade Launcher.

0 = 100% Transparent, 1 = Solid Color

cg_projectileTrail 60 <value> Controls the amount of smoke left behind when firing the Rocket Launcher or Grenade Launcher.

0 = Disabled

cg_raceGhosts 0 <0/1> Enables ghosts while racing.
cg_raceGhostsAlpha 0.25 <0-1> Transparency of race ghosts.
cg_scoreboardFontFamily Droid Sans Mono Name of font used in scoreboard.
cg_scoreboardFontSize 12 <value> Size of scoreboard's font.
cg_scoreboardMonoFontFamily Droid Sand Mono
cg_scoreboardStats 1 <0-1> If enabled, Weapons Statistics will be shown on the Scoreboard.
cg_scoreboardTitleFontFamily Hemi Head Name of font used in the scoreboard's title.
cg_scoreboardTitleFontSize 24 <value> Size of the font used in scoreboard's title.
cg_scoreboardWidthScale 1.0 <value> Width scale of the scoreboard.
cg_shadows 1 <0-2> Enables shadows. Uses simple shadows if set to 1, shadowmaps if set to 2. 0 to disable.
cg_showAwards 1 <0/1> Shows awards upon certain events (On Fire! etc.).
cg_showBloodTrail 1 <0/1> If enabled, damage rings will be rendered when a player is hit.
cg_showCaptureAreas 1 <0/1> A command that does nothing. It will be removed shortly.
cg_showChasers 1 <0/1> Displays chasers on the scoreboard (if there are any).
cg_showCrosshairDamage 1 <0/1> Changes the crosshair's color to the damage color if an enemy gets hit.
cg_showFPS 0 <0/1> Enables an FPS counter.
cg_showhelp 1 <0/1> Displays help text under the timer.
cg_showHUD 1 <0/1> Enables HUD.
cg_showItemTimers 3 <value> Displays when items will spawn on your HUD (only in spectator mode).
cg_showMiniMap 0 <0/1> Displays a minimap (if supported by gamemode).
cg_showMiss 0 <0/1> For debugging server events. If enabled, will dump prediction misses to console in x:y format. x = time y = distance error.

Best to use with con_drawnotify 1 for easier viewing.

cg_showObituaries 3 <value> Displays who fragged who using which weapon on your HUD.
cg_showPickup 1 <0/1> Displays when you pickup an item on your HUD.
cg_showPlayerNames 1 <0/1> Displays player names above player models.
cg_showPlayerNames_alpha 0.4 <0-1> Transparency of player names.
cg_showPlayerNames_barWidth 8 <value> Bar width above your teammates player model, which contains information such as Health and Armor.
cg_showPlayerNames_xoffset 0 <value> Move player names by this much on the X axis.
cg_showPlayerNames_yoffset 16 <value> Move player names by this much on the Y axis.
cg_showPlayerNames_zfar 824 <value> Defines the distance that player names are still drawn over models.
cg_showPlayerTrails 0 <0/1> This command has already been removed from the game and only exists in default.cfg. The next update will purge the remnants.
cg_showPointedPlayer 1 <0/1> If enabled, when your mouse is pointed over a teammate or enemy their name will be drawn over the player model.
cg_showPressedKeys 0 <0/1> If enabled, will show the key presses of players.
cg_showSelfShadow 0 <0/1> Enables seeing your own shadow.
cg_showSpeed 1 <0/1> Displays the speed of the player.

Example Screenshot: cg_showSpeed "1"

cg_showTeamLocations 1 <0/1> If enabled and your HUD supports it, your teammates location will be shown.
cg_showTeamMates 1 <0/1> Show teammates indicators.
cg_showTimer 1 <0/1> Displays the match's timer.
cg_showViewBlends 1 <0/1> If enabled, fullscreen overlays for underwater and pain effects will be displayed.

Example Screenshots: cg_showViewBlends "0" · cg_showViewBlends "1"

cg_showZoomEffect 1 <0/1> If enabled, the zoom effect is shown.
cg_simpleItems 0 <0/1> Replaces 3D models of pickupable items with simplistic 2D models.
cg_simpleItemsSize 16 <value> Changes the size of simplistic item models.
cg_specHUD <undefined> <HUD name> Changes the HUD while spectating.
cg_strafeHUD 0 <0/1> Enables strafe HUD.
cg_teamALPHAcolor 254 101 101 <R G B> Color of team Alpha players.
cg_teamALPHAmodel bigvic <model name> Default model of team Alpha players.
cg_teamALPHAmodelForce 1 <0/1> Changes models of all team Alpha players to a user-chosen one.
cg_teamALPHAskin default <default/fullbright> Changes models skin of all Team Forbidden players to a user-chosen one.
cg_teamBETAcolor 153 204 255 <R G B> Color of team Beta players.
cg_teamBETAmodel padpork <model name> Default model of team Beta players.
cg_teamBETAmodelForce 1 <0/1> Changes models of all team Beta players to a user-chosen one.
cg_teamBETAskin default <default/fullbright> Changes models skin of all Team Icy players to a user-chosen one.
cg_teamColoredBeams 0 <0/1> If enabled, the LG beam color will be changed to the team color of the attacker.

Example Screenshots: cg_teamColoredBeams "0" · cg_teamColoredBeams "1"

cg_teamColoredInstaBeams 1 <0/1> Changes the color of the InstaBeam to the team color of the attacker.

Example Screenshots: cg_teamColoredInstaBeams "0" · cg_teamColoredInstaBeams "1"

cg_teamPLAYERScolor 0 255 70 <R G B> Color of team Players players (non-team based gametypes).
cg_teamPLAYERScolorForce 0 <0/1> Changes color of all team Players players to a user-chosen one.
cg_teamPLAYERSmodel bigvic <model name> Default model of team Players players.
cg_teamPLAYERSmodelForce 0 <0/1> Changes models of all team Players players to a user-chosen one.
cg_teamPLAYERSskin default <default/fullbright> Changes models skin of all team Players players to a user-chosen one.

Example Screenshots: cg_teamPLAYERSskin "default" · cg_teamPLAYERSskin "fullbright"

cg_thirdPerson 0 <0/1> Enables third person view.

Example Screenshots: cg_thirdPerson "0" · cg_thirdPerson "1"

cg_thirdPersonAngle 0 <value> Changes the angle of third person view.

Example Screenshots: cg_thirdPersonAngle "0" · cg_thirdPersonAngle "180"

cg_thirdPersonRange 70 <value> The distance that the player model appears from the camera when in third person view.

Example Screenshots: cg_thirdPersonRange "70" · cg_thirdPersonRange "200"

cg_touch_flip 0
cg_touch_lookDecel 8.5
cg_touch_lookInvert 0
cg_touch_lookSens 9
cg_touch_lookThres 5
cg_touch_moveThres 24
cg_touch_scale 100
cg_touch_showMoveDir 1
cg_touch_strafeThres 32
cg_touch_zoomThres 24
cg_touch_zoomTime 250
cg_viewBob 1 <0/1> Enabled head bobbing.
cg_viewSize 100 <40-100> The percentage of the viewable area displayed on your screen.

If less than 100 is defined then black space will fill your screen. If you set cl_demoavi_scissor 0 then images will always be exported as cg_viewSize 100. If you set cl_demoavi_scissor 1 then images will always be exported as cg_viewSize 100.

Example Screenshot: cg_viewsize "40"

cg_voiceChats 1 <0/1> Enables voice commands (also known as "VSAYS").
cg_volume_announcer 1.0 <0-2.0> Changes the volume of the announcer.
cg_volume_effects 1.0 <0-2.0> Changes the volume of the effects.
cg_volume_hitsound 1.0 <0-2.0> Changes the volume of the hitsound.
cg_volume_players 1.0 <0-2.0> Changes the volume of player sounds.
cg_volume_voicechats 1.0 <0.0-2.0> Changes the volume of voice commands.
cg_weaponAutoswitch 2 <0-2> Enables auto switching of weapons when you're out of ammo.

0 = Autoswitch Disabled, 1 = Autoswitch Enabled (one click), 2 = Autoswitch Enabled (two clicks)

cg_weaponFlashes 2 <0-2> Enables weapon flashes.

0 = All Weapon Flashes Disabled, 1 = Wall + Floor Weapons Flash Enabled, 2 = Wall + Floor & Weapon Muzzle Flashes Enabled (if cg_gun is set to 1).

cg_weaponlist 1 <0/1> If enabled, the weapon list will be displayed on your HUD.


Command Default Parameters Description
cl_anglespeedkey 1.5 <value> Defines the multiplier for how fast you turn when running is toggled.
cl_checkForUpdate 1 <0/1> If enabled, the client will be permitted to check for updates.
cl_compresspackets 1 <0/1> Compresses network packets.
cl_debug_serverCmd 0 <0/1> If enabled, server debug information will printed to console.
cl_debug_timeDelta 0 <0/1> If enabled, server debug information (netcode) will printed to console.
cl_demoavi_audio 0 If set to 1 Warfork will create a .wav when using demoavi cl_demoavi_video should be set to 0 since it will lag the game when capturing resulting in audio that is not realtime.
cl_demoavi_fps 30.3 Determines how many frames per second get captured by demoavi
cl_demoavi_scissor 0
cl_demoavi_video 1 <0/1> If set to 1 Warfork will output frames when using demoavi
cl_download_allow_modules 1 <0/1> Allows the downlaoding of modules.

This is needed for mods such as Racemod.

cl_download_name <value> *write protected* The name of what's being downloaded.
cl_download_percent 0 *write protected* The percentage of what's being downloaded.
cl_downloads 1 <0/1> If enabled, your client is allowed to download files (maps, textures, etc.) directly from the server you're connecting to.
cl_downloads_from_web 1 *write protected* If enabled, your client is allowed to download files (maps, textures, etc.) from a webserver.
cl_downloads_from_web_timeout 600 <value> The time before a client timeout when attempting to download from a webserver.
cl_extrapolate 1
cl_flip 0
cl_maxfps 250 <24-1000> Sets the FPS limit.
cl_mm_autologin 1 <0/1> If enabled, matchmaking will automatically be logged into.
cl_mm_session 0 *write protected* Contains your matchmaking session information.
cl_mm_user <undefined> <value> Contains your matchmaking username.
cl_mumble 0 <0/1> Enables positional audio support for Mumble
cl_mumble_scale 0.0254 <value> Scales the positional audio distance for Mumble.
cl_pitchspeed 150 <value> The speed the player's screen moves up and down when using keyboard keys.
cl_port 0 *write protected* IPv4 client port
cl_port6 0 *write protected* IPv6 client port
cl_pps 40 <value> The amount packets per second that client is sending to the server.
cl_run 1 <0/1> If enabled, running will be toggle automatically.

This serves no purpose in disabling as Warfork has no footstep sounds.

cl_shownet 0 <0/1> If enabled, latency information for network packets will be printed in console.
cl_sleep 0 <0/1> If enabled, you will get lower CPU usage with the cost of higher mouse latency and less stable fps.
cl_stereo 0 <0/1> If enabled, stereoscopic rendering mode will be toggled.
cl_stereo_separation 0.4 <0-1.0> Camera offset with cl_stereo
cl_timeout 120 <value> Kicks the player if connection is lost for more than x seconds.
cl_ucmdMaxResend 3
cl_yawspeed 140


Command Default Parameters Description
cm_mapHeader <undefined> <value> Stores map header information in the cvar.
cm_mapVersion <undefined> <value> Stores map format description (IBSP, FBSP, etc.) in the cvar.
cm_noAreas 0 <0/1> Disables area culling.
cm_noCurves 0 <0/1> If enabled, you can clip through curved surfaces.

Example Screenshots: cm_noCurves "1" Perspective 1 · cm_noCurves "1" Perspective 2


Command Default Parameters Description
com_introPlayed3 1
com_showtrace 0 <0/1> If enabled, the number of traces that has to be made will be displayed in console.

You must change the map with devmap <mapname> and then com_showtrace 1 to utilize this command.


Command Default Parameters Description
con_chatmode 3
con_drawNotify 0
con_fontSystemBigSize 24 <value>
con_fontSystemConsoleSize 14 <value>
con_fontSystemFallbackFamily Droid Sans Fallback
con_fontSystemFamily Droid Sans
con_fontSystemMediumSize 16 <value>
con_fontSystemMonoFamily Droid Sans Mono
con_fontSystemSmallSize 14 <value>
con_fontSystemTinySize 8 <value>
con_messageMode 0
con_notifytime 3
con_printText 1


Command Default Parameters Description
fs_basegame basewf *write protected*
fs_basepath . *write protected*
fs_cdpath *write protected*
fs_game basewf
fs_usedownloadsdir 1 *write protected*
fs_usehomedir 1 *write protected*


Command Default Parameters Description
g_allow_bunny 1 *write protected*
g_allow_falldamage 1 <0/1> Enables fall damage.
g_allow_selfdamage 1 <0/1> If enabled, players can hurt themselves with own weapons.
g_allow_spectator_voting 1 <0/1> Allows spectators to vote. Affects callvotes.
g_allow_stun 1 <0/1> If enabled, players can get stunned.
g_allow_teamdamage 1 <0/1> Enables friendlyfire.
g_ammo_respawn 0 <value> Changes the ammo respawn time.
g_antilag 1 <0/1> Enables antilag.
g_antilag_maxtimedelta 200 <value>
g_antilag_timenudge 0
g_asGC_interval 10
g_asGC_stats 0
g_autorecord 0 <0/1> Automatically records all demos.
g_autorecord_maxdemos 0 <value> Maximum amount of automatically recorded demos to keep (deletes old ones once limit is exceeded).
g_bomb_armtime 4 <value> (Bomb-exclusive) Changes the amount of time needed to arm a bomb..
g_bomb_bombtimer 25 <value> (Bomb-exclusive) Time before the bomb explodes after arming.
g_bomb_carriers 1 <value> (Bomb-exclusive)
g_bomb_defusetime 7 <value> (Bomb-exclusive) Changes the amount of time needed to defuse an armed bomb.
g_bomb_roundtime 60 <value> (Bomb-exclusive) Sets the round time (in seconds).
g_bomb_spawnprotection 3 <value> (Bomb-exclusive)
g_challengers_queue 1 <0/1> Enables the challengers queue.
g_countdown_time 5 <value>
g_disable_vote_allow_falldamage 0 <0/1> Disables "allow_falldamage" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_allow_selfdamage 0 <0/1> Disables "allow_selfdamage" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_allow_teamdamage 0 <0/1> Disables "allow_teamdamage" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_allow_uneven 0 <0/1> Disables "allow_uneven" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_allready 0 <0/1> Disables "allready" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_extended_time 0 <0/1> Disables "extended_time" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_gametype 0 <0/1> Disables "gametype" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_instajump 0 <0/1> Disables "instajump" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_instashield 0 <0/1> Disables "instashield" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_kick 0 <0/1> Disables "kick" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_kickban 0 <0/1> Disables "kickban" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_lock 0 <0/1> Disables "lock" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_map 0 <0/1> Disables "map" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_maxteamplayers 0 <0/1> Disables "maxteamplayers" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_mute 0 <0/1> Disables "mute" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_nextmap 0 <0/1> Disables "nextmap" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_numbots 0 <0/1> Disables "numbots" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_rebalance 0 <0/1> Disables "rebalance" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_remove 0 <0/1> Disables "remove" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_restart 0 <0/1> Disables "restart" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_scorelimit 0 <0/1> Disables "scorelimit" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_shuffle 0 <0/1> Disables "shuffle" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_timein 0 <0/1> Disables "timein" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_timelimit 0 <0/1> Disables "timelimit" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_timeout 0 <0/1> Disables "timeout" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_unlock 0 <0/1> Disables "unlock" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_unmute 0 <0/1> Disables "unmute" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_vmute 0 <0/1> Disables "vmute" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_vunmute 0 <0/1> Disables "vunmute" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_disable_vote_warmup_timelimit 0 <0/1> Disables "warmup_timelimit" callvote. Doesn't affect opcalls.
g_enforce_map_pool 0 <0/1> Enables enforcing the map pool for "map" callvote.
g_floodprotection_delay 10 <value> Blocks the chat for x seconds to player who triggered the flood protection.
g_floodprotection_messages 4 <value> How many messages can a player send in y seconds before triggering the flood protection.
g_floodprotection_seconds 4 <value> Triggers flood protection if a player sends more than x messages in y seconds.
g_floodprotection_team 0 <0/1> If enabled, protects teamchat from flood.
g_gametype dm <gametype> Changes the gametype. Requires server restart / map reload.
g_gametypes_available *write protected*
g_gametypes_list *write protected*
g_gravity 850 <value> Obsolete ConVar.
g_health_respawn 0
g_inactivity_maxtime 90.0 <value> A player will get moved to spectators team if inactive for longer than x seconds (doesn't affect warmup).
g_instagib 0 <0/1> Enables InstaGib. Requires server restart.
g_instajump 1 <0/1> Enables InstaJump.
g_instashield 1 <0/1> Enables InstaShield.
g_knockback_scale 1.0 <value> Changes the knockback scale of weapons. Affects normal weapons AND InstaGib.
g_map_pool <maplist> Only allows these maps to appear in "map" callvote. Needs g_enforce_map_pool set to 1.
g_maplist <maplist> Sets the server's map list.
g_maprotation 1 <0-2> Sets map rotation mode. 0 - same map, 1 - in order, 2 - random.
g_match_extendedtime 2 <value> Changes the overtime's length to x minutes. 0 to disable.
g_match_score *write protected*
g_match_time *write protected*
g_maxtimeouts 2 <value> How many timeouts can be called per match.
g_maxvelocity 16000 <value> Obsolete ConVar.
g_needpass 1 *write protected*
g_numbots 0 <value> Amount of bots on the server.
g_operator_password <password> Sets the operator password. Operator is disabled if empty.
g_postmatch_timelimit 4 <value>
g_race_gametype 0 *write protected*
g_scorelimit 0 <value> Amount of points required to obtain by a player / team to end the match.
g_spawnsystem_wave_maxcount 16 <value>
g_spawnsystem_wave_time 15 <value>
g_teams_allow_uneven 1 <0/1> Allow the teams to be uneven. If enabled, allows players to switch teams anytime.
g_teams_maxplayers 0 <value> How many players can a single team have.
g_timelimit 10 <value> Sets the duration of matches (in minutes).
g_uploads_demos 1 <0/1> Allows players to download demos from the server.
g_votable_gametypes <gametypes> A list of gametypes allowed to be used in "gametype" callvote.
g_vote_allowed 1 <0/1> Allows / disallows calling ALL votes (including opcalls).
g_vote_cooldowntime 5 <value> A player needs to wait x seconds after calling a vote to call another one.
g_vote_electtime 20 <value> Specifies how long do callvotes last (in seconds).
g_vote_maxchanges 3 <value> Specifies how many times can a player change their vote.
g_vote_percent 55 <0-100> How much % of players need to vote yes for the vote to pass.
g_warmup_timelimit 5 <value> Sets how long do warmups take (in minutes).
g_weapon_respawn 0


Command Default Parameters Description
gl_cull 1 <0/1> Enable OpenGL Culling.
gl_drawbuffer GL_BACK <value> Specifies the buffer which display information will be written to.
gl_driver_win opengl32.dll <value> Specifies the OpenGL driver dll file.
gl_ext_bgra 1 *write protected* If enabled, the BGRA openGL extension will be used if supported.
gl_ext_blend_func_separate 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture 1
gl_ext_depth24 1
gl_ext_depth_nonlinear 1
gl_ext_depth_texture 1
gl_ext_draw_instanced 1
gl_ext_draw_range_elements 1 <0/1> If enabled, DrawRangeElements (an opengl extension) will be used if it's supported.
gl_ext_ES3_compatibility 1
gl_ext_fragment_precision_high 1
gl_ext_fragment_shader 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_framebuffer_blit 1
gl_ext_framebuffer_object 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_gamma_control 1
gl_ext_get_program_binary 1
gl_ext_GLSL 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_GLSL130 1
gl_ext_GLSL_core 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_gpu_memory_info 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_gpu_shader5 1
gl_ext_half_float_vertex 1
gl_ext_instanced_arrays 1
gl_ext_meminfo 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_multitexture 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_packed_depth_stencil 1
gl_ext_rgb8_rgba8 1
gl_ext_shader_objects 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_shading_language_100 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_shading_language_130 1
gl_ext_shadow 1
gl_ext_shadow_samplers 1
gl_ext_swap_control 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_texture3D 1 <0/1> If enabled, the Texture3D (an opengl extension) will be used if it's supported.
gl_ext_texture_array 1
gl_ext_texture_compression 1
gl_ext_texture_cube_map 1 *write protected* If enabled, Texture Cube Mapping (an opengl extension) will be used if it's supported.
gl_ext_texture_edge_clamp 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic 1 *write protected*
gl_ext_texture_lod 1
gl_ext_texture_non_power_of_two 1
gl_ext_texture_npot 1
gl_ext_vertex_buffer_object 1 *write protected* If enabled, opengl vertex buffer objects will be utilized if supported.

Vertex buffer objects are often slower than range elements.

gl_ext_vertex_buffer_object_hack 0 *write protected*
gl_ext_vertex_half_float 1
gl_ext_vertex_shader 1 *write protected*
gl_finish 0 <0/1> If enabled, the CPU will wait for the GPU at the end of each rendered frame.

This can help resolve some video lag and input issues.

gl_max_texture_size 0 *write protected*


Command Default Parameters Description


Command Default Parameters Description
in_debug 0
in_dinput 1
in_grabinconsole 0
in_initmouse 1 *write protected*
in_mouse 1 <0/1> Enables mouse input


Command Default Parameters Description
irc_nick WarforkPlayer <value> Sets your nickname.
irc_password <undefined> <value> Specifies a password for IRC Servers which require one to connect.
irc_port 6667 <value> Specifies a port for the IRC Server you're connecting to.
irc_server irc.quakenet.org <value> Specifies a ip\hostname for the IRC Server you're connecting to.
irc_user WarforkUser <value> Specifies a username for IRC Servers which require one to connect.


Command Default Parameters Description
logconsole_append 1
logconsole_flush 0
logconsole_timestamp 0


Command Default Parameters Description
m_accel 0 <0/1> Enables mouse acceleration.

0 = Identical movement will be the result if you turn at the same degree. 1 = more turning when moving the mouse faster.

m_accelOffset 0 <value> Enables different mouse acceleration styles.

0 = Disabled, 1 = Weakens amplification effect if you move your mouse slower, 2 = Minimum distance for mouse movement to be registered.

m_accelPow 2 <value> Determines the rate of acceleration.

Must be greater than 2 to not decelerate.

m_accelStyle 0 <value> Style of mouse acceleration.
m_filter 0 <0-2> If enabled the type of filtering applied to your mouse input will be changed.

0 = Off, 1 = Linear interpolation filtering, 2 = Extrapolation filtering.

m_filterStrength 0.5 <value> Controls the strength of m_filter.
m_forward 1 <value> Changes your mouse sensitivity when moving forward and back.
m_pitch <undefined> <value> The sensitivity for looking up and down with the mouse.
m_raw 1 <0/1> Enables raw mouse data input.
m_sensCap 0 <value> Affects the maximum limit for m_accelStyle = 2.
m_side 1 <value> Changes your mouse sensitivity when moving left and right.
m_yaw 0.022 <value> Changes speed scale of X axis.


Command Default Parameters Description
r_brightness 0 <0-1.0> Sets the brightness level on your screen.
r_coronascale 0.4
r_detailtextures 1 <0/1> If enabled, detailed textures will be shown.
r_drawelements 1 <0/1> Enables drawing elements.
r_drawentities 1 <0/1> Enables drawing entities.
r_drawflat 0 <0/1> If enabled, will draw the floor and walls as solid colors.
r_draworder 0
r_drawworld 1 <0/1> Enables drawing the world.
r_dynamiclight 1 <0/1> Enables dynamic light.
r_environment_color 0 0 0 Changes the background color if r_drawworld is 0
r_faceplanecull 1 <0/1> If enabled, only the polygons of the face will be rendered.

This command doesn't work and exists only in default.cfg. It will be purged and moved into the deprecated commands section soon.

r_fastsky 0 <0/1> If enabled, only a basic skybox will be drawn.
r_floorcolor 255 153 0 <R G B> The color of floor if r_drawflat = 1.
r_fullbright 0 <0/1> Sets maximum brightness to all textures.
r_fxaa 1 <0/1> Enables FXAA antialiasing.
r_gamma 1.0 <value> Changes the gamma.
r_ignorehwgamma 0
r_leafvis 0
r_lerpmodels 1
r_lighting_ambientscale 1
r_lighting_deluxemapping 1
r_lighting_directedscale 1
r_lighting_glossexponent 24
r_lighting_glossintensity 1.5
r_lighting_grayscale 0 <0/1> Enables grayscale lighting.
r_lighting_maxglsldlights 16
r_lighting_maxlmblocksize 2048
r_lighting_packlightmaps 1
r_lighting_specular 1
r_lighting_vertexlight 0
r_lightmap 0 <0/1> If enabled, all textures will not be displayed and only static lights will be visible.
r_lockpvs 0
r_lodbias 0
r_lodscale 5.0
r_mapoverbrightbits 2
r_maxfps 250 <24-1000> Sets the FPS limit.
r_maxglslbones 100
r_multithreading 1 <0/1> Enables multithreading.
r_nobind 0
r_nocull 0
r_norefresh 0
r_novis 0
r_offsetmapping 2
r_offsetmapping_reliefmapping 0
r_offsetmapping_scale 0.02
r_outlines_cutoff 712
r_outlines_scale 1
r_outlines_world 1.8
r_overbrightbits 0
r_packlightmaps 1
r_picmip 0 <0-16> Overall image and texture quality. The highest the number the lower the quality level.
r_polyblend 1
r_portalmaps 1
r_portalmaps_maxtexsize 1024
r_portalonly 0
r_screenshot_fmtstr wf_y%m%d_HM%S <date format> File name format of screenshots.
r_screenshot_jpeg 1 <0/1> Enables .jpeg screenshots.
r_screenshot_jpeg_quality 90 <0-100> Sets the quality of jpeg screenshots, in percentages.
r_shadows 0
r_shadows_alpha 0.7 <0-1> Alpha of shadows.
r_shadows_dither 0
r_shadows_maxtexsize 64
r_shadows_nudge 1
r_shadows_pcf 1
r_shadows_projection_distance 64
r_shadows_self_shadow 0
r_shownormals 0
r_showtris 0
r_skymip 0 <0-16> Overall image and texture quality of the skybox. The highest the number the lower the quality level.
r_soft_particles 1 <0/1> Enables soft particles.
r_soft_particles_available 0 *write protected*
r_soft_particles_scale 0.02 Scale of soft particles.
r_speeds 0
r_stencilbits 0
r_subdivisions 5
r_swapinterval 0
r_swapinterval_min 0 *write protected*
r_temp1 0
r_texturebits 0 <0/1> If enabled, vsync will be activated.

Set vid_displayfrequency to your preferred value.

r_texturecompression 0 <0/1> Enables texture compression.
r_texturefilter 4
r_texturefilter_max 0 *write protected*
r_usenotexture 0 <0/1> Disables textures.
r_wallcolor 255 255 255 <R G B> The color of walls if r_drawflat = 1.


Command Default Parameters Description
rcon_address <undefined> <ip address> Sets the IP address for rcon connection.
rcon_password <undefined> <password> Sets the password for rcon connection.


Command Default Parameters Description
s_doppler 1.0 <value> If enabled, Doppler effect will be used for sounds
s_globalfocus 0 <0/1> Mutes the game when alt-tabbed.

0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled

s_khz 44 <value> The sampling rate of the sounds in kilohertz.
s_mixahead 0.14 <value> The specified time waited before mixing sound samples.
s_module 1 <0-2> Specifies the default sound module.

0 = No Sound, 1 = Qfusion, 2 = OpenAL

s_module_fallback 2 <0-2> Specifies a fallback sound module incase s_module cannot be loaded.
s_musicvolume 0.15 <0-1> Global music volume.
s_openAL_device Generic Software <value> Specifies the OpenAL device.

Example: s_openAL_device "Rapture3D"

s_pseudoAcoustics 0 <0/1> High quality spatialisation for the Qfusion Sound Module.
s_separationDelay 1.0
s_stereo2mono 0 <0/1> Enables mono sound.
s_swapstereo 0 <0/1> Swap the left and right sound channel.
s_volume 0.8 <0-1> Global volume of the game.
s_wavonly 0 <0/1> If enabled, only .wav sound files will be played.


Command Default Parameters Description
scr_consize 0.4 <0.1-1.0> size of the console "0.1-1.0"

0.1 = Smallest size, 0.5 = 50% of the screen, 1.0 = 100% of the screen.

scr_conspeed 3 <value> Controls the console drop-down speed.

0 = Instant, 1 = Slowest, and anything higher than 1 increases the speed.


Command Default Parameters Description
sv_autoUpdate 0 *write protected*
sv_botpersonality 0
sv_cheats 0 <0/1> Enables cheats on the server.
sv_debug_serverCmd 0
sv_defaultmap wfdm1 <map> Changes the default map of the server.
sv_demodir *write protected*
sv_enforcetime 1
sv_fps 62 *write protected*
sv_highchars 1
sv_hostname <name> Name of the server. Appears in the server list.
sv_http 1 <0/1> Enables an HTTP server that lets connecting players download missing files.
sv_http_ip <ip address> If set, binds the HTTP server to a specific IPv4 address.
sv_http_ipv6 <ip address> If set, binds the HTTP server to a specific IPv6 address.
sv_http_port 44444 <port> Changes the port of the HTTP server.
sv_ip <ip address> If set, binds the Warfork server to a specific IPv4 address.
sv_ip6 :: <ip address> If set, binds the Warfork server to a specific IPv6 address.
sv_iplimit 3 <value> Maximum amount of connections from a single IP address.
sv_lastAutoUpdate 0 *write protected*
sv_maxclients <value> Maximum amount of players allowed on the server.
sv_maxentities 1024 <value> Maximum amount of entities on the map.
sv_maxmvclients 4
sv_mm_debug_reportbots 0
sv_mm_enable 0 *write protected*
sv_mm_loginonly 0
sv_modmanifest *write protected*
sv_MOTD 0 <0/1> Enables Message Of The Day on the server.
sv_MOTDFile <undefined> <path> Path to Message Of The Day file.
sv_MOTDString <undefined> <value> A definable MOTD String that takes precedence over sv_MOTDFile.

MOTD String only updates after a map change.

sv_port 44400 <port> Changes the IPv4 port of the Warfork server.
sv_port6 44400 <port> Changes the IPv6 port of the Warfork server.
sv_pps 20 <value> Packets per second a server sends to the client.
sv_public <0/1> If set to 1, the server will appear on the public server list.
sv_pure 0 <0/1> If set to 1, the server will check the validity of client files with server. Kicks if invalid.
sv_reconnectlimit 3 <value> Seconds a client must wait until they can reconnect with a server.
sv_showChallenge 0
sv_showclamp 0
sv_showInfoQueries 0
sv_showRcon 1
sv_skilllevel 2 <0-2> Defines the skill level of your server, which affects bots.

0 = Easy, 1 = Medium, 2 = Hard.

sv_skillRating 0 *write protected*
sv_timeout 125
sv_uploads 1
sv_uploads_demos 1
sv_uploads_from_server 1 <0/1> If enabled, uploading is allowed directly from the server.
sv_uploads_http 1 *write protected*
sv_zombietime 2 <value> Determines how long a connected client remains open after it has either timed out with sv_timeout or disconnected.


Command Default Parameters Description
ui_autobrowse_manual 0 <0/1> If enabled, servers will be suggested when you click "Play" and query the masterservers.
ui_basepath ui/porkui <value> Defines the basepath of the user interface.
ui_cachepurgedate <undefined> <yyyy-mm-dd> Purges the folder "cache/ui" on a specific date, which contains cache from asyncrhonous HTTP requests.

Example: 2020-02-13

ui_lighting 2
ui_preload 1
ui_tutorial_launch 0
ui_tutorial_taken 0 <0/1> If enabled, you will be prompted (once per game load) to complete the tutorial upon clicking "Play".
ui_video_profile medium


Command Default Parameters Description
vid_displayfrequency 0 <value> Defines the refresh rate of your screen in Hz.

0 = Desktop Default

vid_fullscreen 1 <0/1> If enabled, Warfork will run in full screen mode.
vid_height 0 <value> Defines a custom screen resolution height.

0 = Desktop Default

vid_multiscreen_head -1 <value> Changes the default monitor used.
vid_parentwid 0 *write protected* Defines the parent window identifier.
vid_ref ref_gl <value> Defines the video renderer driver.
vid_width 0 <value> Defines a custom screen resolution width.

0 = Desktop Default

vid_xpos 0 <value> Defines the X position of the game running in window mode.
vid_ypos 0 <value> Defines the Y position of the game running in window mode.


Command Default Parameters Description
win_noalttab 0 <0/1> If enabled, ALT+TAB will work.

0 = Disabled - 1 Enabled

win_nowinkeys 1 <0/1> If enabled, Windows keys will work.

0 = Disabled - 1 Enabled

Prefixless cvars & cvars with unique prefixes

Command Default Parameters Description
clan <name> Sets the name of your clan. Appears on the scoreboard.
color 255 255 255 <R G B> Sets your Player color.
debuggraph 0 <0/1> If enabled, the debug graph will be displayed.
dedicated 0 *write protected* Tells the game if it's a dedicated server.
developer 0 Level of developer information printed to the console. The higher the number, the more information is printed.
developerMemory 0 <0/1> Prints memory allocation information to console if developer is enabled as well.
favorites 0
filterban 1
fixedtime 0
fov 100 <value> Changes your Field of view.
gamedate Oct 8 2019
gamename Warfork *write protected* Name of the game.
graphheight 32 Changes the graph height for timegraph, netgraph, etc.
graphscale 1 Scales the graph (timegraph, netgraph, etc.) for resolutions with a width greather than 1024.
graphshift 0
hand 0 <0/1> Changes weapon handedness.

0 = right, 1 = left

handicap 0 <value> Decreases your damage output by x% usefull for dueling players below your skill level
host_speeds 0 <0/1> If enabled timing information will be printed to console.

all (total time), sv (server time), gm (game time), cl (client time), and rf (renderer time).

lang <language> Sets the language of Warfork.
lookspring 0 <0/1> If enabled, the screen will be automatically centered when using +mlook.
lookstrafe 0 <0/1> If enabled, automatic strafing will be toggled when using +mlook.
mapname *write protected* The name of current map played.
masterservers master1.forbidden.gg master1.icy.gg <value> Specifies the master servers used to query a list of Warfork servers.
masterservers_steam <undefined> <value> Specifies the Steam master servers used to query a list of Warfork servers.
mm_url https://mm.forbidden.gg:1338 *write protected* Specifies the Warfork Matchmaking Servers
model bigvic <model name> Changes your Player model.
name <name> Changes your nickname.
net_showfragments 0
netgraph 0 <0/1> If enabled, information will be displayed in the console about all network packets.
nextmap match "advance" <value> Proceeds to the next map.
password <password> If a server requires a password, the client automatically tries to join with x password.
protocol 22 *write protected*
revision Oct 8 2019 00:08:07 *write protected* Date when the game was compiled.
sensitivity 3 <value> Changes sensitivity of your mouse.
showdrop 0 <0/1> If enabled, information will be displayed in the console about dropped network packets.
showpackets 0 <0/1> If enabled, information will be displayed in the console about all network packets.
skin default
timedemo 0
timegraph 0 <0/1> If enabled, a graph will be displayed, which visualizes the compression and expansion of game time, which is necessary maintain the overall game time constant.
timescale 1.0 <value> Changes the time scale of the game.
tv_server 0 *write protected* Tells the game if the server is a TV server.
version 2.10 x64 Oct 8 2019 Win32 RELEASE *write protected* The version of the game.
zoomfov 30 <value> Changes the field of view while zooming.
zoomsens 0 <value> Changes your sensitivity while zooming.

0 = uses your normal sensitivity.


Command Parameters Description
+attack Primary attack.
+back Moves backward.
+forward Moves forward.
+klook Keyboard look; +forward +back serve as +lookup +lookdown.
+left Turns left.
+lookdown Looks down.
+lookup Looks up.
+movedown Moves backwards.
+moveleft Moves left.
+moveright Moves right.
+moveup Moves up; In water, lava, etc.
+quickmenu An easily accessible menu with basic commands such as Voice Says.

By default it is bound to LSHIFT.

+right Turns right.
+scores Accesses the scoreboard.
+speed Changes your speed.

If run is enabled you will walk or vice versa when used. This serves no purpose as Warfork has no footstep sounds.

+strafe When used +left and +right are changed with +moveleft and +moveright.
+use Uses an item.
+zoom Zooms.
-attack Stops primary attack.
-back Stops moving backward.
-forward Stops moving forward.
-klook Stops Keyboard look; +forward +back serve as +lookup +lookdown.
-left Stops looking left.
-lookdown Stops looking down.
-lookup Stops looking up.
-movedown Stops moving backwards.
-moveleft Stops moving left.
-moveright Stops moving right.
-moveup Stops moving up; In water, lava, etc.
-quickmenu Stops the quick menu, an easily accessible menu with basic commands such as Voice Says.
-right Stops turning right.
-scores Stops accessing the scoreboard.
-speed Stops changing your speed.

If run is enabled you will walk or vice versa when used. This serves no purpose as Warfork has no footstep sounds.

-strafe Stops strafing, which When used +left and +right are changed with +moveleft and +moveright.
-use Stops using an item.
-zoom Stops zooming.
addip <ip address> Adds IP addresses to the filter list.
alias <alias name> <command> Creates an alias.
aliaslist Lists all aliases.
bind <key> <command> Binds a key to a command.
bindlist Lists all bound keys.
callvote <vote> [argument] Calls a vote.
centerview Centers the players view.
clear Clears the console.
cmdlist Lists all console commands.
coach Allows you to be a coach in some team based gametypes.

Be on the team you wish to coach before typing the command in console.

cointoss <heads/tails> Flips a coin based on your choice and announces if you won or lost.
condump <filename> Dumps the console log to a file.
connect <ip address> Connects to a server.
cvarlist Lists all cvars.
demo <filename> Loads a specific demo.
demoavi Starts recording video as frames or audio as .wav file depending on cl_demoavi_audio and cl_demoavi_video. Framerate depends on cl_demoavi_fps.
demoget <ID> Use with demolist to download recorded demos from a server
demojump Jumps to a specified time in a demo. Time format is [minutes:]seconds. Use + or - in front of the time to specify it in relation to current position in the demo.
demolist Lists all demos on the Server and their ID. Can be downloaded via demoget <ID>
demopause Pauses or resumes the currently playing demo.
disconnect Disconnects from current server.
echo <message> Prints a message to the console.
exec <filename> Executes a configuration file.
gametype Lists information about current game type.
god Toggles godmode.
join [team name] Joins the game. Joins a specific team if specified.
kick <player> Kicks a player from the server.
kill Kills the player.
killserver Kills the server process.
leavequeue Leaves the challengers queue.
listip The current list of filters will be printed to console.
lockteam Locks the teams.
map <map name> Switches a map.
maplist Lists all maps available.
noclip Toggles noclip.
notready Changes status to "Not ready".
op <password> Makes the player a game operator.
opcall <vote> [argument] Calls an instant-passing vote.
operator <password> Makes the player a game operator.
players Lists all players in-game.
position Displays player's current position.
purelist Displays a list of all Pure Files in your console.
quit Quits the game / server.
racerestart Restarts the race.
rcon <command> Executes a server command as console.
ready Makes the player ready.
reconnect Reconnects the player to the current server.
record <name> Records a demo with the specified name(These are single POV demos, for multiPOV use serverrecord).
removeip <ip address> Removes IP addresses from the filter list.
s_devices List of available OpenAL sound devices.
s_restart Restarts the sound engine.
say <message> Sends a global message.
say_team <message> Sends a team message.
score Toggles the scoreboard.
screenshot Takes a screenshot of what you're looking at.
serverinfo Displays Server info settings in console.

Values displayed: version, fs_game, g_antilag, g_gametype, g_instagib, protocol, sv_cheats, sv_hostname, sv_http, sv_maxclients, sv_maxmvclients, sv_mm_enable, sv_mm_loginonly, sv_pps, sv_pure, sv_skilllevel, sv_skillRating.

serverrecord <name> Records a multiPOV demo on the Server (can be downloaded by clients via demolist and demoget).
set <cvar> <value> Changes the value of x cvar to y.
showip Shows your local IP Address (reversed).
showserverip Shows the server IP Address.
sizedown Decreases the viewable area (affects cg_viewSize by -10) on your screen.
sizeup Increases the viewable area (affects cg_viewSize by +10) on your screen.
soundlist Prints a list of all sounds currently loaded in your console.
spec Joins the SPECTATOR team.
spectators Prints a list of spectators.
stats <id\playername> Prints your or a specified players stats.

Stats include hit/shot percent, damage given/received, ratio, health/armor, etc.

status Displays the server status in console.

Map, Player ID, Score, Ping, Player Names, Last Message, Address, Port, Rate, etc.

stop Stops your demo if it's currently recording.
stopmusic Stops music that's currently playing.
svscore <0/1> If enabled, the scoreboard will be toggled.
timein Resumes the match instantly.
timeout Pauses the match for 180 seconds.
toggle <cvar> <argument 1> [argument n] Toggles a cvar's value between the arguments.
toggleconsole Toggles the console.
toggleready Toggles "ready" status.
tvconnect Sends a command to connect to a TV server (with available slots) that has round robin balancing.
ui_dumpapi Dumps API information to console.
ui_printdocs Prints document cache to console.
ui_reload Reloads the user interface.
unalias <name> Removes an alias.
unaliasall Removes all aliases>
unbind <key> Unbinds a key.
unbindall Unbinds all keys.
unlockteam Unlocks the teams.
unready Makes the player unready.
upstate Updates your client on the current state of things.
vid_modelist List of available video modes.
vid_restart Restarts the video engine.
vote <yes / no> Casts a vote.
vsay <name> Says a voice message globally. Shows list of all voice messages if executed without the argument.
vsay_team <name> Says a voice message to the team.
vstr <variable. Execute a variable command.

Example: vstr nextmap

wait Delays the execution of a remaining command buffer until the next frame.

Example: bind z "+attack ; wait ; kill"

weapcross <0-4> Shows weapon sets near your crosshair, which can be toggled between.

0 - View Only, 1 - Gunblade/Machine Gun, 2 - Riot Gun/Grenade Launcher, 3 - Rocket Launcher/Plasmagun, 4 - Lasergun/Electrobolt

Example: bind "p" weapcross 1

weaplast Switches to last weapon.
weapnext Switches to next weapon.
weapprev Switches to previous weapon.
whois <player> Provides player information if they're logged into Matchmaking.
writeconfig <name> Writes the current configuration to a file.
writeip Writes addip\removeip <ip> commands to listip.cfg for future execution. By default filter lists are not saved\restored.